Hi everyone

  • 3 replies
  • 72 subscribers

I wanted to write a quick introduction.

Im new to the group and have read so many of the posts in here. I was recently diagnosed at age 50 with womb cancer, a carcinosarcoma.

Im due to have surgery on Thursday 25 April 2024 which will be a full hysterectomy, including ovaries, fallopian tubes and sentinel nodes.

I’ve had a good conversation with the gynae-oncology ward sister today to talk through what to expect and I know I’m doing the right thing but not sure what life is going to look or feel like afterwards. I’ve been told that it’ll take around 3 weeks for histology results before I’ll know whether further treatment will be needed. From reading MacMillan literature, it’s looking likely but not sure what treatment.

I’m taking a lot of comfort from the community here, especially those who (sadly) know all too well what it’s like to be part of this community.

Lots of love to us all and I look forward to chatting with you xx

  • Hello  

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis but welcome Pray 

    I had robotic total hysterectomy and BSO last September and I needed adjunct radiotherapy. I found wonderful support on here and you will too. 

    Ask any questions we will help if we can. We all understand this surgery and have our unique experiences to share.

    Wishing you all the best for Thursday - will be thinking of you. Let us know how you are doing when you can.


    • Hi Lorna and welcome to the group. I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It's all such a shock and a lot to take in isn't it? Everyone on here knows all too well what you are gong through and there is a lot of support and helpful information.

                 I also had a full hysterectomy with all my other lady bits removed!. It was done on March 23rd by laparoscopic (keyhole ) surgery. It all went well and recovery was good. Discharged from hospital the day after. If you have full abdominal surgery the revovery takes a bit longer. I'm starting to go back to work next week. I probably could have gone back a bit before but have been quite tired still. Also, we cannot underestimate the emotional and mental stress we need to revover from. I was able to go on short walks a few days afterwards and this helps.

    I didn't need any further treatment after the hysterectomy so cannot comment on these. But plenty of people on here have had other treatments and can share their experiences. I would say though, that until you get through the operation and then the results of the histology, don't jump too far ahead in anticipation. Good advice I got on here was to take one step at a time. At the moment just prepare for the operation, make sure you have help and support for revovery- get food prepared and easy to prepare types of food. Get some good books to read and allow yourself to fully rest and recover.

    Take care

  • Hi Lorna

    Welcome to the Womb group.

    I also had carcinoma sarcoma and it is a rarer type of womb cancer. If you click on my name, my profile will come up.

    I wish you well for your hysterectomy on Thursday. It is great that the ward sister was there to answer your questions.

    Most grade 3 cancers (carcinoma sarcoma is one and is a type 2) would likely be offered some sort of follow up treatment. This is confirmed by the post op pathology, however they look at lots of different factors- stage, genetic factors etc.

    My advice would be to focus on the surgery and do things one step at a time. It is good to be prepared that you may need some more treatment so then it is not such a shock when it is suggested however try not to look too far ahead as it can feel overwhelming.

    If you want to ask anything about the carcinoma sarcoma then I am happy to answer anything. 

    I am glad that you are finding that the community is bringing some comfort. Cancer can be a tough journey to face but feels much more doable with people by your side. The Support Line is good if you feel like chatting things through would help. And do please post on here as much as you need to, there are lots of lovely ladies on here who will want to offer you support.

    Take care and do let us know how you get on.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm