Complex Hyperplasia Aytipical

  • 7 replies
  • 88 subscribers

Hi everyone,my name is Pat Iam having hysterectomy,next wk.Iam,very worried.I know they said 40 percent chance cancer.Felt very odd to be sent to Cancer center.I wish the best for all 

  • I was diagnosed with this last year, it was found in one polyp…I too worried about that 40% chance of cancer being found after hysterectomy, I had my hysterectomy in September and the histology only took 2 weeks…thankfully my histology showed no cancer, not even any hyperplasia, my consultant said to me at the very beginning he expected it to have been contained in that one polyp…he was right…

    40% chance of cancer also means a 60% chance of no cancer being found.

    I hope you get a similar outcome x

  • Are you worried about the surgery as well as  the fear of cancer? Ask any questions that may

  • Hi, Blush.Iam not worried about surgery.Just what they might find after.Take care. Tks for responding 

  • Hi Pattycake

    I hope that your hysterectomy goes ok next week. It is understandable to feel worried. My hysterectomy was very straightforward, I had very little pain, was discharged home the next day and recovery went well. 

    My post op pathology came back at around 3 1/2 weeks. 

    It is very normal to be worried about whether there is cancer present and if talking things through would help then please do consider giving the Support Line a call.

    In the meantime if there is anything you want to ask or need, then please do so- there are a lovely bunch of ladies on here who will want to reach out to you and offer support



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • It took three weeks for me to get my results (although I knew it was grade 3 cancer already, I didn't know if it had spread until after). To be honest, the first 10 days after surgery I was not really thinking about it, as I was focussing on recovery.  I suppose it is worth focussing on the fact that, if it is cancer, they will have removed the source. In the meantime, keep reaching out if it helps x

  • I had atypical hyperplasia in a polyp in 2023, one of two removed at the time following some bloody watery discharge, This was my 3rd hysteroscopy in 5 years for polyps, and I was told I had a 40% chance of cancer. Fortunately, my post-op diagnosis was uterine hyperplasia. My laparoscopic surgery included tubes, ovaries and cervix.  I spent the night in the hospital and had some bad cramping for a couple of hours post-op otherwise discomfort,  and was out for coffee with friends 4 days later. I haven't had any problems or noticed any hormonal changes post-op.  i am 66 and post menopasual. 

  • Hi, tks for reply.Ill.write back

    How things went