Womb Cancer and Currently Having Chemo but with Allergic Reactions

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  • 85 subscribers


New to this so apologies in advance for errors and rambling!

I was diagnosed with stage 1 with grade 3 endometrial cancer in March this year and was told needed an urgent full Hysterectomy with definite radiotherapy after. Had to wait 13 weeks for operation which was awful and in the end was at the end of June. After everything was tested was told that 1 of the 8 lymph nodes removed was cancerous so needed chemo. My stage went up to 3 and the grade down to 2 (though told by Oncologist there's not much difference between them). Just had my 3rd chemo session on Friday and with infusion of Carboxol combi. Annoyingly with this session and the previous one had a a scary allergic reactions a few mins in. The staff were amazing both times and were like SWAT teams on it with antihistamines. Both times felt better quite quickly and after a 30 min gap the infusion was reintroduced without incident. But have been told Oncologist will have decide whether I will need to go on a desensitistion regime each time which concerned about. My sessions are very long as it is, shortest time so far in unit has been 7.5 hours and longest 9 hours. I am using a cold cap but I may have to sacrifice that to cut down the timing, possibly. Just rather down about it as I know as another option they may go for is reduce the dose and I will have to have more sessions. At present I'm down for another 3 so at half way mark. But at same time I don't want the reactions to get worse and be going into full Anaphylactic shock, obviously. The reactions I've had are chest pain, breathlessness, highly increased BP and pulse rate, back pain with being very close to passing out so certainly not good

Any thoughts or advice appreciated. 

  • Hi Ms Viva

    Rewind a year to March 2022, and this was my story too, 

    I opted for the Paclitaxel and Carboplatin combination to eradicate any cancer cells that might still be lurking after my hysterectomy for Grade 3 Serous womb cancer. I had the symptoms you described the first 3 sessions and after discussing with my chemo nurse, we decided to continue with just the Carboplatin and was advised NOT to carry on and out my heart under this strain.

    Please click on my username to read my story and do ask any questions if you like. Take care xx

  • Madesp, I don’t know if it’s just me, but when I click on your name I can no longer see your bio. I just thought I’d let you know as it may be a glitch, 

  • Marmitefan, thanks for the heads-up, my profile has completely disappeared together with some of my friends. I don't know what happened as I have not changed anything or updated my profile in a long time. I will report this to the admin. I have now written a new bio, could you please check that you're able to read it?

    Take care and thanks again, xx

  • Thank you so much for that reply and have read what you have gone through. Was shocked at first when you said about them stopping the Paclitaxel but can fully understand why. So pleased you for that you are where you are now as it's such a positive place and it's great for me to read that too. Waiting to hear back from Oncologist now and will see what she suggests but guess have to be prepared for them suggesting stopping the Paclitaxel. Also down to have also internal radiotherapy as you did for 3 sessions later on. Had a CT laye July before chemo of pelvic, abdomen and chest areas and nothing showed up as concern so hoping all be OK overall. Though the one lymph node situ still has me concerned but trying to stay positive and believe that any treatment I have will be enough to deal with anything if it's lurking elsewhere.

    Thanks again and may you continue to go from strength to strength and all the best. X

  • Bless you Miss Viva, that's why I replied to your post, sometimes we need to hear these type of stories and that it's not ALWAYS  doom and gloom. Of course I'm always concerned about recurrence but try to stay positive and keep the rule of thumb( from another Macmillan member) that if I feel well then I AM WELL. I  Thank God every day I wake up to another day.

    I've also learnt that my type of cancer is  unpredictable, I've seen posts from ladies that were grade 3 and stage 3 and are alive and well and others that were early stage 1b and not done well, so we just can't tell. You just need to get this done and carry on best you can, I'm not here as often now but always happy reply to questions if you have any. 

    I've gained so much and made many friends that I really don't know how I would have coped. Family and friends are great, but they really don't understand what you are going through, this site helped me and I'm sure will help you too.

    Good luck with the treatments and take good care of yourself xxxx

  • Hi Mad, yes I can read the new one! I think some bios disappeared when they “upgraded” the system a little while ago but only some which is weird! 

  • Thank you and so appreciated Pray. Definitely right about friends and family even though they all mean well. X

  • Hi Ms Viva,

    Sorry to hear about your troubles. I thought I would try and encourage you slightly. 

    Back in 2006 my husband was diagnosed with throat cancer. There followed an operation, then radiotherapy. The radiotherapy was very gruelling. His skin was red raw, and the last week he was unable to eat (fed by a peg in the stomach.) His neck developed a fistula, where any food he ate came back out through the hole, usually entailing a change of clothes. He couldn't speak for 4 months as he had to have a speech valve put in. Very very gradually things improved, but it took 3 years to get over it all. He went on to live a normal life for another 13 years, so well worth the agro at the time!!!!!    Hang in there as much as you can, even if it means dropping the dose. Be advised by the consultants. I've found them pretty good in tricky situations. xxx

  • Thank you so much and what you have said makes so much sense. Some times I feel I'm holding back saying how I feel.and how bad the chemo side effects are etc (esp in the first week after each treatment) to stop others worrying but that in itself just adds more stress. I now know that if I have any questions or just need to say how I feel here it will be understood more so thank you! 

  • Thank you for your kind reply and appreciate you saying what your husband went through with that gruelling experience and the outcome. I do trust the Consultant I have at present and so far she's come across as a positive person and been good so far. Will keep.an open mind and see what she suggests.

    Many, many thanks. X