5 weeks post total hysterectomy plus ovary removal.

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  • 87 subscribers

Hi everyone I am new to this site and loved the help people seem to give to others with their experiences. 
I had some bleeding 8 years after the menopause so knew it wasn’t right. I saw my gp and with hours I had appointment for fast track cancer. To cut a long story short from start to finish after multiple tests and scans 5 weeks after I was having a hysterectomy for endometrial cancer. I am 5 weeks post surgery and I am feeling good. Some days worse than others. My problem is I tire very quickly , I have been going out for short walks as suggested as quick as 10 days after but only a short 10 min walk. Now I go a bit further maybe half an hour but I get so breathless and feel my hearts pounding.. my Fitbit doesn’t show an excessive heart rate but I get anxious. We are a household with no drivers and my husband and myself are avid walkers. Is this normal to get worn out and breathless as apart from a swollen stomach by evenings and occasionally a slight period style pain low down my stomach I feel great. 

  • Was your surgery open or laparoscopic? Walking hasn’t come into my recovery as I have severe arthritis and cannot walk without aids though I move around my home with sticks and my garden. I also feel very vulnerable on the street. 

    Having a swollen stomach and slight period style pain was something that I experienced and both sorted themselves out. The swelling hung about for longer and I was wearing loose nightdresses and dresses for what seemed like ages (my surgery was in mid March) though likely only 6-7 weeks as I could wear joggers by the time my radiotherapy started at the end of May. I did tend to change back to nightdress when I got home. 

  • Good Morning Rosie63

    Welcome to the Online Community. I am sorry to see that you had a diagnosis of Endometrial cancer. It sounds to me that you are doing well and recovering well from the surgery. I found after my hysterectomy last year that being tired was the norm. On days where I felt better i tended to do too much and then the following day paid for it. It was about pacing myself. Walking is a good exercise to do and I found it helped me. 

    Regarding feeling breathless, I did feel it sometimes but I would think maybe talk to your doctors about it and maybe you could have a blood test to make sure all is well. I had low haemoglobin levels last year and that made me a bit breathless at times. Maybe it is wise to get bloods done to check all is going well. However 30 minutes would be about what I did at your stage and my doctor was very happy with that. I did have further treatment after my hysterectomy and still have the fatigue a year later- not by any means as bad but there are still days where mid afternoon I need to have a lie down for a short time to rest. You didn't mention whether you had key hole or open surgery but with open surgery there is a longer recovery period. 

    My tummy used to get a bit swollen by the end of the day for a couple of months after my hysterectomy and then it settled. I think they do so much rummaging around during the surgery and then all your organs need to settle into the space where your womb occupied so it's not surprising really. Again it is something worth mentioning to your doctor, perhaps when you have a post op follow up. I had one at 6 weeks. I did also have a tenderness low down and that settled as well within a couple of months. Even if the surgery was key hole, inside a lot is done. 

    I found with my tummy, loose and comfortable stretchy clothes were the best. Anything tight made me feel uncomfortable.

    If you click on my name you will see my profile and it maybe something you may want to update on your own. It helps as when you post you don't have to repeat yourself. You don't have to but most people do put a little. 

    I hope this helps give you a little reassurance but it sounds like you are doing really well. Keep going and mention anything new or concerning to your doctor. It takes time to recover. I also found there was the mental processing as well. 

    If there is anything else we can help you with or if you have any questions. Please do ask, there are lots of lovely ladies on this forum who will be happy to help



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Cheers Jane for the reminder about organs settling into the place that our wombs occupied. Your post also reminded me that I was advised to get knickers that were a size larger than usual and that helped. 

  • Re breathlessness I did have Covid just before my post menopausal bleeding occurred and was prescribed an inhaler to help as I was quite wheezy. Certainly worth talking to your GP and/or consultant about. Have you had your post op appointment yet with surgeon? 

  • I forgot about the knickers! Yes I also got some cotton ones in a larger size that came up over my tummy and were more comfortable.


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • It was laparoscopic surgery. My wounds are healing well and I am fine in my house and garden wandering around. I am hoping it’s just that I am still healing.  I must admit I don’t recognise my shape now I was never a skinny person but so swollen and even elasticated outfits by the end of the day feels uncomfortable 

  • I found that my tummy swelled more on days where I over did it. It does settle though


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I have had no mention of a post op appointment. My cancer nurses who where assigned have told me I will have a follow up call in 3 months then that is me finished. I did have laparoscopic surgery so know it’s a faster healing time but was shocked I wouldn’t be seen again. I have just had a text this morning from my health care authority asking a few questions regarding how my wounds are. As I said I have no problems then I just got an answered if I do then ring the surgical unit. 

  • Hi Rosie93, have you had the post op histology results? Re walking I had a 5 min walk as soon as I got home from hospital (day after my op) and started 5 mins twice a day after that, gradually increasing to 10 mins, then 15 mins and by 2 weeks post op I was up to 20 mins twice a day. But I also rested in the evenings, It could still be post op tiredness but the low down tummy pain makes me wonder if you might have been overdoing things in other ways, eg lifting or standing for long periods, or not resting enough, and that this might be stressing your system. 

  • I rest most days apart from small walks sometimes even just in the garden and my husband has been great with the household tasks. I go to the local shops but my husband carry’s everything. The pain isn’t there constant it’s just occasionally like a slight period pain . It’s not to the extent of unbearable. I have not took any painkillers since 2 weeks after my surgery. Yes I got my histology 2 weeks ago and it was all good. As said my surgeon isn’t even seeing me anymore. I have been told I will have a phone consultation at 3 months then that will be it, I can call the cancer nurses if I have any problems or concerns. My worry is the breathlessness once out walking but I am wondering if I’ve a bit anxiety. I’m ok with short walks to shop but maybe as well I’ve noticed it’s the inclines I feel it more. I’m sure you are right it’s I’m still recovering. It’s just nice to get advice from people who know 

    thank you