Suspected womb cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Hi to all you beautiful brave souls on here!

So I am currently on the 2week urgent referral wait. Which I know now what that means. Scary times! After suffering for many years with numerous IBS, lumber spine, and lady stuff issues it’s come to this. So much has gone on in the past which I shan’t bore you with. But basically I had UTI symptoms just over a week ago. Frequent urination, slow urine flow, extremely painful bladder area. I just figured I had yet another UTI and antibiotics would sort it. My sample came back clear of any infection. A pelvic scan already booked was then fast tracked which I had only a day later. I also had my smear the same morning. Had a call from the doctors only two hours after being home telling me I had a small kidney stone, ovarian cyst, fibroids, polyps and an erratic womb - whatever that is. And it was a lot thicker than it should be. He then said I would be referred to gyane and would be see within 2 weeks. Blimey that’s quick I thought. But didn’t think anything of it. I thought it was all a bit unnecessary really. The rushed scan, all of it. He did tell my measurements which I didn’t think at the time on the phone was relevant. How I so wish I’d listened! So good ole google then tells me I’m on the 2 week suspected cancer referral. S**t. My smear results came back today as clear of HPV. Does this mean the womb may be clear? I’m totally confused and am wondering if the smear results would have any relation?? I have my gyane app on the 26th. I’m not even sure what they are doing? I’m 39 (very soon to be 40), single, and no children. I also haven’t a period in well over 2years, but still have always had signs of ovulation. Gyane previously signed me off a few years ago due to a clear laparoscopy. I have only just found out my sister has stage 2 breast cancer. Literally the week of me having my scans. The past week has been the toughest I’ve ever had. Constantly feel sick, struggling to eat etc. Feeling better today, but you still can’t help but worry - about my sister, myself, the future... Can anyone give any advice? Much appreciated!

  • Hello Donna88

    I have just replied to your previous post and hope that helps a bit. 

    You have certainly had a lot going on medically and hopefully you will get some answers when you go to your appointment on the 26th. 

    If there is anything else you need, please do ask.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Jane,

    Thank you so much for your response! - to both! Joy. I really appreciate it. I have actually just deleted that thread as I thought maybe I’d rambled on too much! - I’ve just done another one. All of you on here are incredible people, and reading your stories and threads helps so much. Honestly, the past week or so has been the most difficult ever. I have never felt so utterly sick in my life. Eating has been a struggle, but I’m a tad better now after my mum suspected something (she came to my scan) and I fessed up. I didn’t tell any of my family as I didn’t want to put any more worry on them. I totally understand it is ‘suspected’, and I keep telling myself that. I haven’t been well for some time so naturally you think the worst don’t you. I’m soon to be 40 single and no children, so thankfully other than my family, I only have me to worry about. My sister is 44 bless her with two lovely twin daughters. The best nieces in the world! She is made of titanium my sister, I know she’ll get through it. She has an appointment for her treatment plan on Monday. It’s stage2. 
    Thank you so much for sharing your story with me - it’s given me an insight as to what I may expect. I’m sorry you were diagnosed with the dreaded C word, and I really hope you are doing well now with a support network around you xx