Open hysterectomy

  • 10 replies
  • 88 subscribers


Diagnosed with endometrial cancer and having a hysterectomy on Thursday. I am getting rather stressed out now. I was told initially that I would have laparoscopic surgery but in my consent meeting last week that was changed to open due to the size of the uterus.  This has thrown me completely. My 1 night stay is now 2 nights and I feel as if I’m going to be out of action for months rather than weeks.  I would appreciate some positive but realistic advice from anyone who has been there, done that and got the t-shirt.

  • Good Morning De8,

    I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis of womb cancer. I can understand that having the hysterectomy on Thursday is making you feel stressed. It is also an added worry when you are expecting one type of surgery and then it is changed to another.

    My hysterectomy (April 2022) was done laparoscopically and I stayed in 1 night. Having an extra night in won't be too bad and sounds like this time next week it will all be done and you will be on your way home and the cancer will have been removed. That's what I tried to focus on when I had mine- it wasn't nice but the cancer was being removed from my body and I could begin to heal. 

    Here's a bit of information that you may find helpful.....

    Recovering from womb cancer surgery | Macmillan Cancer Support

    Hysterectomy - Recovery - NHS (

    Womb cancer | Macmillan Cancer Support

    There's some advice on these links that I found helpful last year but if there is anything else you need please do ask. There are a lot of lovely ladies on here who will want to support where they can.

    Good Luck for Thursday- I hope you are as well looked after as I was.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi De8

    ive got my hysterectomy on Friday. Mine is supposed to be laparoscopic but I have a very large abdominal scar so I’ve been warned it may have be changed to open surgery. My Dr reassured me that although it’s a longer healing process I should be allow 6 to 8 weeks recovery time for both.


  • Thanks Jane

    I am trying to look beyond and thinking this time next week it will all be over.  

  • I hope it all goes well for you Linda

  • It's the best way- it is normal to feel anxious- I certainly was. I would just try to go with the flow and accept that its normal to feel this way. I would focus on not over doing it too much in the next week and to prepare for the hospital stay, what you need to take etc and for the first few days after you get home so you have what you need around you. Lots of loose comfy clothes, nothing tight around your tummy. Nightie rather than pyjamas in hospital due to the catheter. Portable fan in this weather?. Snacky meals and shopping in. Probably won't fancy big meals for a few days. Lots to drink. Nice clean bedding on for you to come home from hospital to was nice. I had a bit of a sort about in my lounge so I had a small table next to sofa ready so I did not have to get up and down too much. 

    Little things will make a difference. No baths for 6 weeks so some nice new shower gel. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hello Lin0506

    I hope that your hysterectomy goes well on Friday. Please do ask if there is anything that you need



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I understand your worry about an open rather than laparoscopic. More as a wanting to get back to normal as quick as possible. I thought it would be op, recover and back to work. As events transpired, I didn't get back to work (click on my profile if you want to read my story). That is all I'm trying to say, take your time, concentrate on yourself, get well. Everything else takes second place and you come first. This was a hard lesson for me to learn. Best wishes for your surgery.

    A x

  • Hi lin506

    I am in similar position to you i have my hysterectomy due on 26th and have been warned mine may end up as open surgery due to abdominal scars its worrying isnt it about the longer recovery!

    I wish you well on friday and hope it all goes well  for you.

  • Hi I certainly understand your concern about open surgery. While laparoscopic surgery does have an apparent shorter healing period it still takes about 6 weeks and for some aspects 12 weeks as there is internal healing that needs to happen. Rest and not doing too much is important. Due to some complications even with robotic laparoscopic surgery I had to stay in three nights and only released late on the Friday evening.

  • Thanks Eeyore

    Hope all goes well for you on the 26th we can compare notes !

    Linda xxx