Just diagnosed.

  • 6 replies
  • 86 subscribers

Good morning, everyone. I was diagnosed last week with endometrial cancer and am waiting for an appointment for a CT scan in order to stage the cancer. My consultant has told me that the biopsies she took during a hysteroscopy show the tumour to be grade 3 but a CT scan will show if there is spread. Apparently there can be a 4 week waiting list for a scan. The planned treatment is a full hysterectomy and chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, if needed. She also fitted a Merena coil, which has stopped the bleeding. 

It’s such a scary time, facing the unknown. My consultant has started me on Megace 160mg, once a day. Does anyone else use this? 

I suppose I’m just looking for some light at the end of what appears to be a very long tunnel! I lost my darling partner of 39 years to pancreatic cancer last year and I miss her so much.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post.

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read of your diagnosis but a very warm welcome to the womb group. We have lots of lovely ladies that have a lot of personal experience and knowledge to guide and support you. It's a good idea to write something for your profile as it helps members in their replies to you, it helps compare treatment plans and it saves you repeating yourself. If you click on your username then profile and don't forget to save. You can add to it anytime and you can read ours by clicking on our usernames.

    I'm sorry to read of your bereavement, it must be hard and now this diagnosis as well. There is a bereavement group on here if you need it, this is the link  Bereaved spouses and partners forum 

    If you feel like you need to speak to someone the Macmillan helpline is open, this is the link to contact https://www.macmillan.org.uk/about-us/contact-us

    I'm sure the ladies will be along soon to welcome you. Hope you get your scan date soon.

    A x

  • Thank you so much, Sistermoon. I have added some info to my profile.

  • Hi mumofmolly,

    Sorry you are here and waiting for exact diagnosis is very hard, to be honest that was the hardest time for me.  So hang in there they can do so much for you now, I have serous grade 3 stage 1a and had a radical hysterectomy.

    You are not alone so just reach out if you need more advise or just want to express your feelings.


  • Thank you so much, HFF. xx

  • Hi im in the same position it started as a post menopausal bleed ive had a mri and all the rest and am facing ct for breast cancer incase but ultimately am about to be referred for hysterectomy im grade 2.   if its spread well thats when i will worry. We can only worry about what we cant control so wait n see thats what I believe. Its a journey I look forward to hearing you at the end of yours

  • re read your comment check your trusts policies mine is thurrock they must respond for appointments within 2 weeks and take action