Womb Cancer

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  • 90 subscribers

Hi I am new here I would like to explain my experience I was diagnosed on the 4th of Jan with 1st stage cancer, and I devastated with news I couldn't stop crying hearing the big c .word you always think the worst my frist thing I said was am I going to die ? I have 3 children and a granddaughter I want to see them grow up even tho the consultant said its curable but I wasn't listening. My mind went t blank all I thought was the worse within a week I had a mri scan and xrays by the 10th Jan I had my full hysterectomy everything taken out the next day I went home fir 2 weeks I was still unsure the outcome but I got a call from the macmillian nurse to say the test results had come back clear I was hhappy but still after a couple of months going back to the gynecology department fir results and macmillian nurses I feel mentally I can't cope some days I have good days and bad even tho it's a good outcome I never realised it would affect me so much 

  • Hello Debwes,

    I think the shock is a huge scary event and it is a big operation.  It will have had all sorts of impacts on your hormones and your body and your mind - you have been very brave but you are understandably traumatised.  It will take a lot of time to get over it - especially if it was a surprise that it happened because you have been frightened and feel that life is fragile and not as reliable as you previously thought.  You will need lots of help and support to process that and find new ways to find a feeling of security in the future.

    I wish you all the luck in the world - I am at the beginning of the journey.  I was diagnosed yesterday and I think things are a bit slower going here.  I have had a coil fitted that I have been told will stop the cancer spreading until I get my MRI (within 2 weeks) and then they will decide what to do next.  I am very frightened like you were.  I don't think fear like this just goes away even if the reason for it gets fixed.

    I hope someone else will have words of wisdom that will help.

  • Hi Debwes,

    Your feelings and reaction make complete and utter sense! The word cancer can being on complete trauma. I was diagnosed 7 months ago, some days I cannot move because of the fear. I became too scared to go out until recently.

    You are doing flipping brilliantly, you've come through a horrible ordeal. I hope things start to feel better for you soon. This is most definitely a place to come and ask questions and even have a rant (I've done that loads!).

    So glad you are on the mend physically. 



  • Hi thank you for understanding my situation I am glad I am not on my own and I agree with you fear like this dosent go away even if it is fixed its a hard  especially when you feel as low has I do I do hope you get sorted out quick and everything goes well thanks again for your kind words its nice to see I am not alone please let us no how you get on has just talking to someone else thats gone through it helps x

  • Thank you so much I agree sometimes it's so hard mentally to get over it but with time I hope that gets better thank you for your kind words 

  • Thank you  so much for your kind words and I agree fear dosent go away even if we do get a a positive outcome the fear of it coming Iand mentally it's hard I wish you all the luck please let us no how you get on has I think it helps to talk to them people that has gone through what we have been it helps how other people cope with it xx

  • Hi  

    I'm pleased to read that you've gotten the all clear but that you are struggling mentally some days. This is a common theme regardless of the grade, stage etc. If you feel you could, it may be an idea to contact your GP and ask about counselling as there may be some unresolved issues you may need to discuss with someone neutral and with no other involvement. In the meantime can I suggest that you have a look at this group, here on Macmillan, this is the link  Life after cancer forum 

    Look after yourself, take your time and I hope you feel a bit better soon. Best regards,

    A x

  • Thank you I will look that up I do think I need a bit of extra support and thank you for your kind words Blush xx

  • Hello Debwes, and Headless chicken. I had a hysterectomy for cancer in 2020 and it’s not returned.

     I really sympathise with you. 

    The experience was terrifying- my sense of security just vanished because I had to confront the inevitability of death when not prepared for it. And all through lockdown!
    In reality, though that security is an illusion. I now say that I’m in remission, not that I am cured and I am ok with that.

    I found it helped to think of the fear as a perfectly normal reaction to an abnormal situation. Time really does lessen the fear, but for me it took about 18 months. 

    Having the cancer has changed me. I spend much more time doing things I value. 

    A good change for me is that life really has become much more precious, so I try to live more in the moment and do enjoyable things.
    I notice nature a lot more. I waste time petting my old cat. I get out in the sun. I am reading books which I had always left to read until later. I let the housework go! I spend more time with my friends and family.

    I spend much less time worrying about things which don’t matter. I get on with the things which really do matter.

    My advice? Just be your own best friend. Be kind to yourself, do activities which make you laugh, and feel good. Spend time with folk who love you. Rest as you need to. Take the time you need to recover. Some days will be good, some less so. Go day by day. 

    If you can access a counsellor to talk about your fears with, perhaps through the GP, that might really help.

    I wish you both well. 


  • Hi thank you for sharing your story I now feel I am not on my own and not going mad and I agree you have goods and bad days but has you said you need to take each day by day I do spend alot of time with my sisters on my days off and I do view life differently life is precious I think in life we can take life for granted but going through this surely changes your view to life in every way thank you for all your advise it truly makes me  feel good to chat to people that has gone through the same it really dose help talking about it thank you xxx