Serous endometrial cancer

  • 9 replies
  • 87 subscribers

Hi I’ve been diagnosed with serous endometrial cancer I’ve had a full robotic assisted hysterectomy which went very well. Now I’ve got to have radio chemo combined then more chemo I find this very daunting and scary has anyone else had similar as I’m finding it hard to process all of this 

  • Hello Basset

    Welcome to the Online Community. I hope that you find it as informative and supportive as I have done.

    I am sorry to hear that you have had a diagnosis of serous endometrial cancer but am pleased that your hysterectomy went well. 

    I also had a grade 3 endometrial cancer.

    My hysterectomy was in April last year and was followed by chemotherapy and external beam radiotherapy. I too felt very daunted at the beginning and it is hard to process it all after surgery when it seems such a long journey ahead.

    I am now out the other side and although it wasn't easy at the time, I found with the support of others it was manageable. My chemo was carboplatin/paclitaxel 4 cycles of 21 days. (May-Aug22). My radiotherapy was 25 sessions over 5 weeks. (Aug-Sept 2022) There are however differences with treatment schedules so yours may be a little different. 

    My cancer is now gone, I have check ups every 12 weeks.

    This forum is a great place to share your journey with others who have had the same experiences as you are now having. 

    Please use the forum as much as you need and do not be afraid to ask questions. There are lots of lovely ladies on here who will be happy to offer support. 

    If at anytime you feel it would be helpful to speak to someone, there is a number for the Support line at the bottom of this.

    Good luck with your treatment and please do keep us updated.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Jane2511 that’s made me feel a bit better knowing that you’ve come out the other side ok. My treatment is starting on the 12th of June with cisplatin- radiotherapy. Then Brachytherapy I’m going on 24th may for the planning stage. I just seem to be getting so much paperwork it’s overwhelming.

  • Hi Basset, a lovely lady here called  had combined radio and chemo last year and sailed through it - I’ve tagged her so hopefully she will drop by and share with you. 

  • Yes- I found the paperwork a bit overwhelming too. I didn't have brachytherapy as I was told I didn't need it as the cells hadn't spread to my cervix. There are a lot of ladies on here who did have it though and will be able to tell you what you need to know. I hope your appointment goes ok on the 24th.


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Basset - welcome to this forum - it certainly helped me a lot last year - if you click on my bio you can see my journey. Last February I too was diagnosed with grade 3 Serous staged at 2 because although not spread it was at the the top of my cervix. I had the same treatment as you are going to be having - Chemoradiation which is quite unusual for endometrial cancer, more usual for ovarian cancer treatment- I had 5 sessions of Cisplatin concurrent with 25 sessions of radiotherapy followed by 3 sessions of brachytherapy. I started on June 9th last year and treatment was all done by 21st July and once I’d started it flew. With Cisplatin there’s no hair loss although it did thin a little, I didn’t particularly notice, my hairdresser mentioned it, and I had no significant side effects - tiredness and diarrhoea as the weeks went on, mainly  from the radiotherapy but it was manageable. I got into a good routine and luckily living only 20 minutes from the hospital I was able to ring before the radiotherapy to see if they were running on time or delayed so it minimised waiting around. The days when I also had chemo were long but in some way quite relaxing - I took my kindle, they brought round soup and sandwiches and there was a kitchen to make drinks when you wanted them. Brachytherapy is a breeze, a bit undignified at first but it’s over so quickly and totally painless. By December I was back to my normal self, cancer free and back to normal fitness level. I’m having 3 monthly check ups with my oncologist but alls well. It’s daunting at first but once you start your treatment it will be over before you know it . I did do a week by week post of my treatment - maybe if you click on my name and look at pots they might come up ? I’m not sure. If you want to ask anything please do so, or even just a word of encouragement- 


    Chrissie xx

  • Mrsceedee

    Thank you so much I feel more positive after reading your post and I’m pleased you are fit and well. My emotions are all over the place at the moment but hopefully I’ll be able to fight this 

  • You Will Basset - I’m here if you need me x

  • Hi now I feel as though I’m on a rollercoaster my treatment was due to start on the 12th June but now put on hold because the ct scan has showed abnormal abdominal lymph nodes so now have to have a pet scan l feel so down as it seems like it’s one thing after another also I’m scared of what else they might find.

  • Sorry to hear that Bassett this journey can throw unexpected detours that are truly unsettling, I hope you get your pet scan soon so you know if they are revising the treatment plan, have faith in your oncology team - they are the experts and have your best interests at heart 
    Hugs Chrissie xx