3 monthly Check

  • 5 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Hi All

I had my hysterectomy on 13th Feb Serous Grade 3 stage 1a and had adjuvant brachytherapy 3 sessions.  I was wondering how the process goes from here i was told 3 monthly then 6th monthly check ups.

So my question is what happens usually.  So do they examine, scan or just chat?

Just wondering were what other peoples experiences were.

Thank you 


  • Hello HFF

    I am a few months ahead of you and have my next 3 monthly check up again in 2 weeks time.

    At my hospital they are run by a nurse team which I much prefer. 

    I normally get there a few minutes early but I find they are pretty good with timing unlike some of the oncologist appointments I have had.

    I am called in and then have a quick chat- just general, how are things, anything worrying you etc. 

    I got asked about any lingering symptoms from my chemo and radiotherapy and discussed these a bit more. 

    Then it was an examination. Started with feeling my tummy all over and checking for lymph nodes (particularly groin area.) Next it was a speculum exam. Only a couple of minutes to check everything looked ok inside. After that a quick internal. Got dressed, back to the nurse. Spoke a little more- everything looks ok etc and told to call with any problems. 

    I was only in there for about 20 minutes and most of it involved discussion about the chemo and radiotherapy side effects that I have. I was told that they don't do scans unless you have any concerning symptoms. 

    Although it natural to feel anxious, you do tend to feel a sense of relief afterwards and I found that the nurses were great at treating you like a whole person whereas before it felt a bit like one person for surgery, one for chemo and one for radiotherapy. This felt more about my recovery as a whole and keeping an eye on things so if anything did recur, it could be dealt with quickly. 

    Good Luck



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Jane

    Thank you for your reply that all makes sense and sounds good .  I hope mine are similar it is about moving forward now with life, which is easier most days then on an odd occasion when you get a pain/twinge I automatically think ooo whats that cancer!  But am sure i had all these little things happen in past and took no notice.

    But thank you all sounds reassuring.


  • Yes- every twinge- I think it is natural to feel like this. I was really worried before my first check up appointment but actually it was ok. Good luck with yours


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi HFF

    After my op and recovery from that I had chemo March to June 2022 then brachytherapy in August 2022, during this time no examinations, only chats with oncologist and nurses, mainly about treatments etc. After chemo I had a CT scan post treatments and all was well and at my last oncology appointment which was video call, the oncologist discharged me from her care and handed me to Gynaecology for follow up appointments, my checkups are now 6 monthly and I had one in February my experience was same as  ,my next appointment has already been arranged in August this year.

    I have the assurance that if something doesn't feel right I call my CNS Nurse who can arrange CT scan or urgent appointment to see consultant.

    Hope this helps x

  • Hi Mad

    Thank you for replying yes all helpf thank you
