Endometrial thickening - US results can’t rule out pathology!

  • 2 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Hi Everyone,  I’m new here and wondering if anyone can help with understanding my results.  

Brief history:   I am 52 and not gone through the menopause yet. I had a 
haemorrhagic ovarian cyst two years ago which resolved itself but on the follow up a spherical mass was seen in my uterus. I had a hysteroscopy and a biopsy but nothing was seen and biopsy normal.  I have had bloating, extremely heavy periods and abdo pain before and worsening since.  Recently no appetite, little bit of weight loss, fatigue and nausea.  Thought it was just something to get on with until it reached a head last week and went to A&E with severe pain thinking I had another cyst which may have ruptured.  I was examined and told I needed a scan to rule out cancer due to my age and symptoms.  My GP referred me on Tuesday I had my scan done on Thursday and the results came back today. I’ve been referred on a 2ww to Gynaecology.  My scan report says ovaries appear normal but endometrial thickening of 21mm with several fluid areas within the endometrium. It also says they are echogenic with colour flow.   My question is what could the fluid areas be?  I can’t find any info on the internet and was hoping someone might have an idea.  

Getting anxious but I’m keeping a calm head, I know that until I have further tests it could be anything but I’m a bit of a google head who likes to know the info.