New herr

  • 2 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Hello everyone

I'm in the process of being diagnosed I think. Abnormal mass found, initially not thought to be a problem, but ca125 too high. Also have pelvic pain. 

Feel like I'm in a nightmare. CT scan next week.

Love to hear from others. 

Wishing everyone the best


  • Hello Hats79

    Welcome to the online community. I am sorry to see that a mass has been found that is causing concern.

    Having tests for cancer is such a stressful and worrying time and it feels like you are waiting around when you just need answers. 

    Hopefully the CT scan that you are having next week will bring some of those answers and once you know what you are dealing with then you can make plans with your doctor as to what comes next. 

    Feel free to post in this group as much as it helps- the ladies here are lovely and have been where you are now. 

    I will pop a link here which may help- its a bit about diagnosis process and what happens.

    Diagnosis | Macmillan Cancer Support

    At the bottom of the page there are some of the other ways that you are welcome to contact Macmillan if it will help.

    Good luck for next week with your scan and do let us know how it goes.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm