5 weeks post total hysterectomy

  • 3 replies
  • 87 subscribers

I wonder if anyone can tell me how long after the surgery will i get to know what they did what they found and what is next 

  • Hello  , welcome to the online community and the womb group although i am sorry you had to join use. When it comes to post op results it can vary depending on the hospital it seems. I found out 3 weeks after but some others longer. I would definitely recommend a call to your CNS (clinical nurse specialist) as they maybe able to give you some information on when you will get the results and what is next. It’s hard to be diagnosed, its hard to go though surgery but it is wanting to know what is next that can be the most important to us and it causes so much worry and uncertainty. I really hope that you can get some answers very soon, so you know what to do next. How are you coping with the healing process of the surgery? Mine took a while to heal but the incision was small and neat and no signs of infection which was a good comfort to me. The ladies here are absolutely amazing people and will happily listen and share their experiences.

    sending some gentle bear hugs Bear 

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  • Hi Ela1ne, welcome to the group! I got mine after 2 weeks, but some here have waited up to 6 weeks or more. Do you know on what day of the week your MDT meet?

  • Hello Elaine

    Welcome to the community.

    I am sorry to hear that you have had a hysterectomy 5 weeks ago and are still waiting for results. It can be a worrying time and one where you have a lot of questions going through your mind. I remember it well! I hope your recovery is going well.

    Mine took 3-4 weeks to come back but I was operated on just before the long Easter weekend this time last year. In my hospital it meant a delay as some of the pathology lab were not working. In the end I chased up my results via the consultants secretary and he phoned me back.

    Sometimes they are delayed waiting for the Multi disciplinary team meeting. Most hospitals seem to have these once a week. Mine was on a Thursday so most people would be called on the Thursday afternoon or Friday morning. It all seems to vary from hospital to hospital. 

    Once the results have been discussed at the MDT then they are able to tell you grades, stages and treatment recommendations. Some people seem to go in for their results- I arranged for mine to be given over the phone as that is what I preferred.

    If further treatment is needed then they usually arrange an appointment with you to discuss this and to go through benefits, side effects and what will happen. This is what happened to me. That appointment happened around 10 weeks post op. 

    If no further treatment is needed I was told that I would come in for a post op check appointment at some point. 

    It is hard waiting and wondering. If you have a CNS it maybe an idea to give them a call- they may be able to tell you when to expect yours.

    There are lots of lovely ladies on here who have been in your situation so please don't be afraid to ask for support, either while you are waiting or when your results come through.

    Hope that you hear very soon,



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