
  • 14 replies
  • 86 subscribers

Hi all.

I am new to this group. My experience over the last year was Bowel cancer.

Feel very nieve (even clueless) in this group, so be gentle and patient with me as i transition Wink.

Would love to connect to others that started their journey in Bowel group and then found themselves here.

  • Hello CrumpetsOrToast

    Welcome to the group. There are lots of lovely ladies with different experiences here who will be able to support you. 

    Sorry to see you have been having treatment for Bowel Cancer and have been through chemotherapy. I had chemotherapy for my womb cancer and it was quite a hard few months. 

    I see you have had a scan and hysteroscopy- I hope you do not have to wait long for the results and to find out the next steps. 

    In the mean time if you need anything please post on here for support.

    If you would prefer to chat to someone please give the main phone number a call. Details below. 

    Take care



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi jane2511.

    Thanks for your lovely message.

    Unfortunately my hysteroscopy and biopsy actually got delayed due to ongoing resource constraints at the hospital, but should finally get done next week Fingers crossed.

    Not ideal timing as only just wrapping up griluelling bowel chemo - but you never know, maybe the fluorouracil has already got to work to help my womb too Rainbow.

    I am now busy trying to give myself a swift anatomy lesson, care of the great Macmillan "understanding womb cancer" booklet.

    Anything you think is "must know" or "wish i'd known" advice for someone clueless in the gynae field, would be very gratefully received.

  • Hi CrumpetsOrToast

    Sorry to hear that your hysteroscopy and biopsy have been delayed. Hope that you have them done as soon as possible and are not kept waiting around. 

    The Macmillan understanding womb cancer is comprehensive and had all the information that I needed when i was first diagnosed in March last year. I recommend having a look through as an when you feel like it. On my CNS advice I looked at each section one at a time so looked at the background info first, then the surgery bit and did not look at the chemo or radiotherapy parts until I knew I would need them. It was about giving me some time to get my head around it and to not worry about things that might not happen. 

    Once you have had your hysteroscopy (camera) and then the biopsy the consultant will have a better idea at what is going on inside and what treatment might be needed. There are different treatments for different types, stages and grades. I had chemo, radiotherapy (external beam) and surgery. Other ladies on here will have had had different treatments. 

    My other advice is to stick to the Macmillan resources as they have the up to date information that you need. Avoid googling- I did and scared myself silly at times and a lot of the information is out of date and not relevant. 

    Take care



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks jane2511.

    It was good to read your profile - you've also had a busy 12 months and i hope 2023 is an easier year for you.

    I tried the macmillan community site search to find bowel=>womb experiences but all seemed former members Pensive. Maybe some good news stories will surface soon Fingers crossedRainbow 

  • Thank you.

    I think sometimes when it's former members that it means that someone has recovered and wants to move on.

    Nice and sunny here today so hoping to get out in the garden for a bit later



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi CrumpetsOrToast,

    I'm not on here much these days as I am nearly 6 years since I had womb cancer. I had to reply because I remember your name from the bowel group. I was on there a good bit last year as my husband had bowel cancer.

    As with everything else it all depends what stage and grade the cancer is. I count myself lucky in that I was Stage 1 grade 2, and got away with just the womb removed. I also had keyhole surgery, which was simply wonderful !! I hurt less at 72 years old than I did at 21 having tonsils out, and certainly less than childbirth!!! Hoping for the best for you. x 

  • Hi  

    Welcome to the group, I'm sorry you find yourself here but you'll find plenty of support. I'm sorry to hear your investigations were put off, I hope all goes well for you next week. I found the Macmillan booklet a lot of help as well but I remember googling all the different types of endometrial cancer and each prognosis. I think I needed answers at that time but can now see that each person is different and affected differently. Best wishes for your tests,

    A x

  • Hi sistermoon, NannyAnny and jane2511,

    Thank you for your responses. Chemo hit seems to have taken extended hold, so bizarrely grateful that NHS delays seem to have coincided.

    Hope to bounce back to land of living shortly.

    Greatly appreciatey our responses. Back soon Revolving hearts

  • Hi NannyAnny

    I do remember you (and I think Peppa Pig) from BC forum. I hope after your tough last year, that 2023 has been kinder to you.

    I am amazed (and delighted) to hear that womb op can be easier to recover from. I defo wasn't a speedy recoverer from bowel reconstruction. It was also my 1st time in hospital, perhaps I'm more seasoned now Wink.

    Thank you again for reachng out Revolving hearts

  • Thanks sistermoon.

    Yes, i found the bowelcanceruk pathway booklet a navigation into the unknown angel by my side last year, and the macmillan womb one is definitely helping now as I, like you, like info/answers.

    Feel like I'm back at school and reinstating biology GCSE that I dropped out of 1st time around. .