Complex endometrial hyperplasia with atypia

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  • 86 subscribers


I’m new here. So I’m 33, no risk factors and have recently been diagnosed with complex endometrial hyperplasia with atypia. 

I was advised by my consultant that if I was older and had already had my family then he would be strongly recommending I have a hysterectomy. I haven’t had children yet, it’s a dream of mine to be a Mum.. so I’m currently taking Megace tablets, have been for 3 weeks and I have an IUD coil fitted. I have to repeat biopsies every 3 months, first one will be in June. 

I guess I’m struggling with the fact I’m being treated for cancer but I don’t know 100% I have it. And I wouldn’t know unless I had a hysterectomy. 

Has anyone else been in a similar situation? Has the treatment worked for you? 

  • Hello LolaJayne

    Welcome to the community. 

    I am sorry to see that you have been diagnosed with complex endometrial hyperplasia with atypia.

    It will naturally be a worrying time and one where you have lots of questions. 

    It sounds good that they are keeping an eye on you, giving you treatment and offering biopsies.

    There will be lots of lovely ladies on here who will understand and who may have experienced similar. 

    There is an Ask a Nurse section on here that I have used and they may be able to help with questions about the reasons behind your treatment. 

    There is also the main phone number if you feel that you want to chat to someone. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm