Hysteroscopy and Endometrial Biopsy after a high level of blood cells found on scan

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  • 86 subscribers

Hi everyone, I'm looking for anyone that has had a similar situation to mine and could offer me some kind of support if possible. I have been on here before as last year I got the all clear from stage 1A1 cervical cancer. However this time I'm being investigated for possible endometrial cancer so long story so please bear with me, for quite a few months I've been experiencing pain on the left side of my pelvic area during intercourse and also with my recent periods I have been experiencing more heavier bleeding with clots around the size of a 10p coin and I've also blead out onto clothing which is really not normal for me and my periods have gone from lasting 5 days to now 3 if that. Now I was thinking I was maybe perimenopausal but I'm 37 (38 this September) so it would be considered early. Anyway I went to my GP and she referred me for a scan and put me on the 2 week path way, so when the appointment arrived I went, the sonographer did the normal tummy scan then the internal scan. Anyway when she did the internal scan in a small area of my uterus were loads of red dots pulsating so I was like what on earth is that? Anyway she just said they were red blood cells and I didn't think anymore of it until I got a letter to have a urgent blood test and to go and see a consultant. So I went to these appointments and the consultant said the scan came up with a high level of red blood cells in my uterus but she said she was confident that it's nothing to worry about. Anyway 20/3/23 I went into hospital as a day case for a Hysteroscopy and a Endometrial biopsy which was traumatic enough and tbh I can't stop fretting about the results which I'm currently waiting for. So if anyone can help me with reassuring me I'd really appreciate it. Thank you for taking the time to read x

  • Hi  

    Welcome to the group. I know you'd really rather not be here but I hope we can help and support you as best we can. Unless anyone has some personal experience we can't offer any medical advice. I hope one of the lovely ladies of the group will be along soon. However, what you could do is speak to an expert or the nurses here at Macmillan. You can ring or email, it is only covered mon-fri but they usually get back to you within 3 days. www.macmillan.org.uk/.../contact-us 

    This is the link to contact them. Best wishes for your results and I hope you don't have too long to wait.

    A x

  • Sorry I can see that the link has not worked. If you scroll down to the bottom of this page - contact us, is there in the green block.

    A x

  • Hi Chrissie985

    I'm just a little behind you. I've had Ultrasound + TV where i also had the light show of highlighting coloured lights on screen and radiologist confirmed thickening in womb. Awaiting my hysteroscopy + biopsy which has been delayed due to resource absence.

    I am also just trying to wrap up 6 months of chemo for bowel cancer, so I'm very much with you on this journey.

    All the very best for your results.

  • Hi CrumpetsOrToast

    Yea I was just wondering what the consultant meant when she said I had a high level of blood flow as it was only present on 1 small area of the TVS cause it wasn't really explained to me, she didn't mention if I had any thickening though so I'm really just trying to gain more of a understanding of what she found and whether I should be worried or not as I do have health anxiety so I do tend to worry more when I'm having a health issue. I've still not had my results yet so I am a bit anxious. 

    Hope you are ok, as I expect bowel cancer must be just as much more frightening especially with having chemo. 

    Wishing you a speedy recovery and sending you love on your journey.

  • Thanks Chrissie985.

    There are some great wellbeing programmes and support channels:

    • HOPE programme (online coursecwith mentors, from Macmillan + Cov Uni)
    • Macmillan support line
    • Macmillan/BUPA counselling
    • Macmillan ask a nurse

    Maybe pick and choose ones that can help you, as I'm guessingthe anxiety could be exhausting and debilitating for you.

    And i'd suggest that you do chase your consultant too for results appointment date and for any clarification you need on understanding whats what - they generally are happy to help.

    Sending big virtual hug xx

  • Thank you CrumpetsOrToast.

    It really is exhausting but I'm carrying on with life as normal and still going to work so I'm trying to keep my mind occupied as much as I can.

    I had my Hysteroscopy done on 20/3/23 so I thought I'd have heard something by now but I've also read that sometimes it can be up to 2-3 weeks so a part of me is like do I just give it another week or should I just ring.

    Anyway thank you for sending me that info, it's really appreciated x

  • Hi Chrissie, it often depends on which day of the week your MDT meets to discuss results. Mine met on a Friday morning, and I found out later on that my results came back on a Friday afternoon which then meant that it was another week before they were discussed and I got my phone call. It wouldn’t do any harm at all to contact your hospital and ask when your MDT meet PLUS when and how you will get your results. 

  • Hiya MarmiteFan59,

        Yea I might ring them on Monday cause I'm getting really anxious now as I'm getting quite a bit of pain in my pelvic area at the moment and it's making me worry. This waiting is just horrible and it's definitely making my moods and emotions fluctuate from what I've noticed. Pensive