Womb Cancer diagnosis and after.

  • 5 replies
  • 85 subscribers


I am 77, married and live with my husband in the Highlands. I went to doctor because I thought I had a prolapse bladder.

I went to the local county hospital (20 miles away) on Thursday 17 Nov 2022 for an ultrasound scan. Two days later I had a continuous discharge of liquid - which had blood in it.

I phoned NHS 24 and went to emergency dept at the county hospital where cancer was mentioned. I was told that my GP had referred me to the Gynaecology Dept in Raigmore Hospital Inverness (120 miles away). This was confirmed by my GP Practice the next week.

After waiting a number of weeks, I was told eventually that list for urgent appointments was 6-8 weeks, I had a CT scan at the local and I saw Gynaecologist in Inverness on 26 January 2023. I had a procedure under general anaesthetic in  Raigmore  on 29 January 2023 to get samples of my cancer.

I received the Diagnosis by video link on 8 Feb 2023. Grade 3 endometrial cancer - Adencarcinoma. Fast growing cancer which seemed to be contained in womb. To expect Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy later after a Hysterectomy 

On 9 March I went to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary ( 210 miles by road) for my operation. It was during the snowy weather. Fortunately we went by plane.

I had Robotic total hysterectomy, Ibilateral saplings-oopherectomy, bilateral pelvic lymph dissection and peritoneal washings.          

I was discharged on 12 March 2023 after problem with my bladder not peeing and went by plane back home.

I was feeling not too bad until a couple of days ago but now have nerve pain at the top inner part of my thighs which is painful.

I was told I would get the results and follow up arrangements in about 3 weeks.

20 March 2023

  • Hi  

    Welcome to the group, I'm sorry to hear of all you've been through, which must have been more difficult due to bad weather and the amount of travel. I hope you are taking it easy, not lifting anything and are on the mend. The waiting for results is a difficult time.

    I would get the nerve pain checked out, obviously this is difficult as you travelled by plane. Have you got a number for the hospital, to speak to the nurses on the ward? The other options are to try to speak to your CNS or your Consultants Secretary. I hope you get some answers and advice. Best wishes for your results,

    A x

  • Hi Farnorth

    I hope you are recovery well - I thought I had it bad having to travel to a hospital 35 miles away.

    As sistermoon suggested your CNS can probably advise on the symptoms your are experiencing, however the nerve pain at the top of your legs could be connected to your lymph nodes being removed.  I also had mine removed and would have days of like a stinging sensation then some days they would feel numb....even 9 months on I still get the odd day where I get nerve discomfort, usually only in my right leg though.

    Hopefully you will get your post op results soon and will have more of an idea of what your treatment plan looks like.

  • Hi  

    Thank you for this explanation. I've queried this before and was told it was disease involvement, which I didn't think to query as I had cancer in my pelvic bone.

    This makes more sense to me and is exactly as you describe but is my left upper thigh. Sometimes it is like a needle going in, very sharp or prickly or numb. Thanks very much, you live and learn.

    A x

  • Thank you for this.  My GP has given me strong pain killers which only help a bit. I suspected that the nerve pain may be connected to removal of the lymph nodes.  It is not as sharp and prickly as it was at first, hopefully this will improve with time.

    Good news is that all the cancer was contained in my womb and none elsewhere. I will be getting an appointment with the Oncologist in Inverness soon to find out about  treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

  • That's fantastic news to hear that it was all contained, and glad the nerve issues seem to have improved.  Good luck with your onoclogy appt.