My mum and womb cancer

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  • 85 subscribers


 Just a hello to all, I am new to the forums and am currently helping my mum through her cancer journey.

 She was diagnosed with stage 2 cancer in her womb lining in November 2022, in January this year she had a total hysterectomy and we have just learned about the next stage of her treatment. She had biopsies of surrounding tissue taken at the time of her surgery, all the tissue biopsy for the lymph nodes and bowel were clear but they did find the cancer in her left ovary and her cancer was regraded to stage 3. They also found some growths in her breasts from a CT scan which currently are not of too much concern but waiting for a mammogram.

 She is about to start 5 weeks of radiotherapy followed by 4 courses of chemotherapy. Still in a bit of shock, not sure how I'm feeling but hoping to find some comfort and resources here.

  • Hi  

    Hello and a warm welcome to you and your mum. I'm sorry to hear of her diagnosis and staging. If your mum is interested she can use this account herself and write her profile by clicking on your username. There is also a carers only group for yourself where you can get support. But feel free to carry on as you are if that suits you both best. There are lots of lovely ladies in this group that have lots of experience and have been through same/similar situations. The best advice I can give you at this stage is to gain information from Macmillan booklets online or paper copies from Macmillan centres in hospitals. Your mum may have been given a copy at her appointments. Cancer Research have excellent information online. It's best not to Google as the information is not always correct and is outdated. I hope all goes well with her forthcoming treatment. Keep in touch and let us know how you're both doing. There is always someone around for support. Best wishes,

    A x