Womb cancer scared

  • 3 replies
  • 86 subscribers

Hi all I’m petrified scared and don’t know where to turn. I’m 57 and been on HRT for 2 years intermittently bleeding. Fobbed off with hormone reasons by GP. After 2 bleeds referred on cancer pathway. Had a private scan as was so worried where they found a thickened womb of 9.7 with irregular utreium abnormal. I was told that HRT is thicker normally by a soniographer. Came off HRT a week ok and still bleeding. Have a vaginal scan Booked Monday but keep thinking the worse. Anyone had these readings and turned out to be the C I’m looking for hope 

  • I've had it twice - five years ago and at the start of this year.   Both times the bleeding was caused by polyps with nothing sinister about them.   Five years ago the womb lining although thick was clear but this time there is an area of change.   However the consultant feels confident that that will clear up now that I have a Mirena coil in place.

  • Hi. This gives me some hope can I ask how thick your lining was ? And we’re you on HRT.? I have no polyps identified 

  • I don't know what the measurement was.   I didn't ask!   But the first consultant I saw said that the scan revealed "sinister" thickening.   He was unable to get a sample from the hysteroscopy because the polyp was too big.   He got the polyp but not the lining.   

    I've never been on HRT.