Hi, I’m new

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I’ve just been diagnosed with endometrial cancer and the doctors are calling it Adenosarcoma! I was just wondering if anyone else has had this? X

  • Hi Bella I’m new here myself, just a few months, I’ve had my histology results back after my hysterectomy, and I have serous type cancer mixed Adenosarcoma I don’t really know to much about it as for now I dont want to know to much, I’m sure there will be other lady’s on the site who can explain more once they see your post it’s a wonderful place for advice and encouragement x

  • Hi Holly, thanks for your reply. It’s such a scary time for us! I’m waiting for my hysterectomy hopefully on 4th April, then the waiting starts again. I had a polyp removed and the histology came back as Adenosarcoma but Everyone seems vague about it at the moment and are saying things like it’s uncommon and we need to see where it grew from, then last week called it endometrial cancer but this had not been said before! It’s so confusing. How are you feeling about things? X

  • Hi Bella If you click on my name it will show my profile and journey so far, I’m feeling very scared sad but not letting it define me, I’m no expert but I think they don’t like to give to much away they will know more after your operation when they have all your histology results, the hysterectomy makes things so much clearer, I had mine at the end of January and found it quiet an easy recovery, the best tip is don’t use dr Google, the things you think attain to your situation Most probably don’t, I hope your ok I’m sure it was a great shock to you I think we all have the same feelings helping to talk makes it that little bit easier x

  • Hi  

    A warm welcome to the group. I'm sorry you find yourself here but I know you'll find lots of friendly ladies that are going through or have gone through a same/similar situation. Like you, I found it all very confusing at the start, I felt like I wasn't being given a straight answer. I think the docs don't like to commit to anything until they've got test/scan results to give a clear and full picture. Have you got a Macmillan booklet, Understanding Endometrial Cancer, if not, it can be read online. This was a great help to me at the start, as some of the terms can be confusing. 

    I haven't got the same type as yourself but if you want to read my history you can click on my username. It is a good idea to write a profile as it saves you repeating yourself in your replies. Best wishes for your surgery and results. 

    A x

  • Thanks sister moon that’s really helpful x

  • Hi I'm new also. Sorry to hear you've been given a term you don't understand. Mine was only ever called endometrial cancer. I do hope you can get support from your GP. Mine were good and jumped at the realisation it was cancer. Receptionist also much faster to process things when cancer was mentioned. Don't hold back! I hope you are not in too much pain. My problem is post brachytherapy radiation cystitis after hysterectomy a year ago. I am on oxybutynin to reduce pain and I think it helps but still bouts of burning pain especially at night. Does anyone have good pain relief ideas? Good luck to you both.