Lumpy tummy!

  • 4 replies
  • 86 subscribers

3 weeks ago I had a lateral incision hysterectomy for a Grade 3 endometrial adenocarcinoma. I'm pleased to report that I'm making a good recovery after my 4.5 hour surgery although I'm still awaiting histology and staging.

After the 54 clips were removed, I've realised what a weird shape my abdomen now is! There are large lumps and dips all around my scar. I assume a lot of it is internal bruising and I would like to think it will settle but am interested to hear if anyone else has had this? My tummy is still tender all over although I know its still early days and I've got another 9 days of horrible Fragmin injections to self-administer.

I'm aware that this will probably become the least of my worries when adjunct radiotherapy starts. However, as I have never felt ill with my diagnosis everything I've been through so far feels surreal and the lumpy tummy adds to that!

BTW being able to read and share on this forum is both helpful and grounding.  xx

  • Hi Rosiexsam- my op was lateroscopic and I was at a different stage to you however I do remember my tummy was tender for quite a while. The injections and the bruising from them made my tummy really tender. I had to do the injections for a month and for the last week to 10 days my tummy really hurt from them. I still had bad bruising at 5 weeks when I saw my consultant to arrange chemo. As you say- it is early days and it was a big operation by the sounds of it. Maybe speak to your cancer nurse for extra reassurence


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  • Hi Rosiexsam, it’s good to hear from you and glad that your recovery is going well. I had laparoscopic surgery not lateral, so my healing was different - but I did have a C section with the delivery of my first child, and both times there was swelling that went down eventually. Re your injections, I opted not to do them (as I was confident of being able to get sufficiently active) but from reading on here I’m pretty sure that you have the option of doing the injections in your thigh instead of your tummy, if that will help - i’d recommend having a chat with your CNS about this (and also the lumpiness if you’re concerned). 

  • Hi Roxiexsam, I used to alternate positions for injections on tummy  and sometimes injected the top of thigh, I was advised by the nurse. Hope this helps x

  • Hi - It could possibly be the injections that is making it feel a bit lumpy.  I tried an injection in the top of my thigh the one night and then had a hard lump there for a few weeks so persevered with giving them in my tummy, even though there was more more bruising from the jabs than the op caused.   Not sure what caused the lump maybe I hit a muscle or something but it did eventually go down, so maybe you have had a similar thing but on your tummy?  I had robotic surgery but was still swollen for a few weeks.