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I’m new here and just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. Last Friday I had it confirmed that I had cancer in my womb as well as an ovarian cyst and fibroid. Hat trick or what! I think I was more of less certain it could be some kind of cancer but actually hearing someone else say it was Scream After having had a hysteroscopy, a CT scan, an ultrasound and an MRI, I’m provisionally booked in for hysterectomy on 20th. In a way I’m sort of looking forward to it but nervous at the same time. Downside is I can’t drive for about 6-8 weeks after. Thankfully I have a friend who can help with that. Well, that’s it for now. Thanks for listening/reading.

  • Hello Blenkinsop and welcome to this very supportive group of lovely ladies some with lots of experience of this disease and some new like yourself just starting to get to grips with everything and learning a whole new medical language and medical terms.

    I must say, it's good that the hospital where you are have swiftly dealt with you as your having your operation on the 20th. I know there's lots of questions you might have and would recommend you read a members diary of her hysterectomy that will help you understand the process and how you may feel, as well as tips and advice. I will add the link for you and please get back if you have any questions.


  • Hi Blenkinsop, welcome to the group and to the emotional roller coaster! Has a grade and stage been mentioned to you? I had my hysterectomy a year ago in January and it’s my diary thread that Mad shared above! Is there a particular reason that you think you can’t drive for 6-8 weeks afterwards? More usually it’s when your consultant says it’s ok. I had a C section delivery for my first child and my recovery period for my laparoscopic hysterectomy was shorter than for that. Feel free to ask any questions and we will try to answer as best we can! 

  • Hi   fairly new here myself and have found the group very supportive. I'm going through a similar experience and have my surgery planned for the 17th.

  • Hi MarmiteFan59 When I saw my consultant last Friday he said it was early stage cancer and treatable. That was music to my ears! I am having an abdominal hysterectomy and was told then that I couldn't drive or carry heavy shopping. I had an MRI on Tuesday which lasted about an hour. Not a pleasant experience to say the least. They also found something not quite right with my lymph nodes so I think they're coming out as well. I don't care what they take out as long as they get everything. I've got my pre-op assessment tomorrow and all being well I will go into hospital on the 20th. Unfortunately it's at 7.30 in the morning but at least it'll be over and done with by lunchtime. Thanks x

  • Hi again Blenkinsop, hope the pre op goes ok! I too had to be at hospital for 7.30 on my op day; I got up at 5am and had the prescribed shower, then my taxi came at 6.15am as I live an hour away. Once I arrived there were about 10 of us queuing and we were then allocated a bed in the side ward. There was then a stream of visits by health assistants, anaesthetists, nurses, my surgeon and others, so the time passed quite quickly. I think I walked down to theatre at about 11.30am and started coming round in recovery at about 3,30pm. In case it helps, here’s a thread on what to pack in your overnight bag, I stayed just one night. 