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  • 86 subscribers


Im new on here, I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer after a biopsy in December.

All started happening January, and within a span of two weeks I was told I had cancer, had scans and full hysterectomy 24th January.

I have had my results from surgery, and a tumor 7x6cm was found. I have been graded as 1A but due to the size I need radical radiotherapy now 

It seems there is always something coming at you .

  • Hello Cheeky chops and welcome to the club that no one wants to join. But now you're here you will find a friendly bunch of members who are only too glad to reply to your concerns and help anyway we can. 

    I'm sorry you have been diagnosed with cancer, a stage 1a is caught very early so that's quite a positive in this negative situation, if you don't mind me asking what GRADE CANCER you have, it will also help others in the same place as you to respond. 

    If you can click on my username you can read my journey so far and you could pop your biography on too or ask if you are not sure how to and we will help. 

    I'm sure someone will be a long soon to answer your question as I didn't have radiotherapy, only chemotherapy and Brachytherapy. Bye for now, take care xx

  • Hi madesp

    I started in November with severe bleeding which lead to ultrasound, and rapid Access. In December I saw the consultant and was referred for a hysteroscopy 4 days before Christmas.

    Also I have degenerative spine and the bleeding was 10 days before I was due my 2nd hip replacement so through all this I'm on a pair of crutches also 

    At the start of January I came home from work to a letter saying I had cancer, 5 days of hell ensued and was to when someone was booking an MRI that I had urgent surgery, eventually I got to speak to someone and was told I was stage 1. 

    I don't think I cried so much in the next five days, in my whole life. In a span of 6 days I had CT, MRI and pre op assessment.

    Surgery was end of January, and histology and CT results advised lesion on my liver, 2nd MRI to check that yesterday, tumour was contained so graded 1a but due to size radical radiotherapy has been recommended 

    Captions now as what comes next as when I get hopes up something comes to knock it down 

  • Hi Cheeky Chops, 1A is likely to be the stage rather than the grade. It’s easy to confuse the twos! That’s why Maddy was asking. I’m wondering if you’ve maybe got a bit muddied between the two? Grade and stage are different and only stages have A or B after the number. 

  • So I'm assuming it's Grade 1 Stage 1a?

    The GRADE is type of cancer, slow or aggressive, Stage is how far it's spread, stage 1a would mean caught very early!
