Mental Health

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I was diagnosed in November 2022 with Womb Cancer Grade 2 and had a full hysterectomy, which was curative and no further treatment was required.

I am extremely grateful for the prompt action and care I received from the NHS Team, as this was my second diagnosis of cancer, previously had Melanoma in 2004 and surgery was successful.

I was in hospital in December 2020 with Covid Pneumonia and Pleurisy and have Long Covid and Lung damage.

After Covid I had a bit of a melt down and I feel I am heading the same way again, as I focussed so much on the Hysterectomy, that I didn't acknowledge Cancer diagnosis.  It is now that I am almost recovered from the op that the Cancer diagnosis has hit home and I am struggling to get my head around this.

Has anyone else felt like this?

  • Hi  . You've been through so much and I would be amazed if you didn't feel like this. But I understand, it's almost like in getting through the surgery on top of the other issues (I had to deal with pandemic, two close family deaths, loss of my business and almost house on top of mine), you have to just deal with whatever is the most urgent. Even though I am now treated I have found I am incredibly low a lot of the time and angry with myself that I'm not making the most of every day. I have lost a lot of friends throughout this too as they seemed to have run in the opposite direction. I have mentioned some of this to my CNS and she said she could refer me to a Macmillan therapist, so I think I might try and take them up on this. Maybe give that a whirl yourself with yours?

  • Hi Bbella3,

    • I think it's a common reaction and I've seen a few posts like this, especially if there is no further treatment needed. It's as though it hits us a while after the event. I think Cakenport is right and therapy/ counselling will help. I had counselling provided by Macmillan and was referred by my CNS. I had a bit of a moment while having chemo ( I found it made me emotional) and the chemo nurses referred me to to psychology services at a local hospital and I found this better as I was sat talking to someone that asked questions rather than a phone call.
    • I found Dame Deborah James latest book a big help with goals and aims.
    • Have a look for another group on here, think it's called Life after cancer, they have some good suggestions. They often recommend an article available online called After treatment, now what by Dr Peter Harvey, which is very good.
    • These are some of the things which helped me, I wouldn't say I am fine now but I feel better than I did. I wish you both well,

    A x

  • Hallo BBella3, just to add to the super suggestions above, it’s worth asking your CNS about a “life after cancer” free course at your hospital. Some do it as a day course, some for a short weekly session for a few weeks. 

  • Hello BBella3 

    There is an article that Dr Peter Harvey called as Sistermoon mentioned, 

    'After the treatment finishes then what.'

    I tried attaching the article but it won't let me. If you Google this info you can readily find it. It helped me and others and so hope this will help you too. Take care x

  • Hi Bella- I felt like this as well. I was so focussed on getting through the operation, chemo and radio - it was not until after the treatments finished that the cancer diagnosis hit me. its all a bit of a whirlwind really. Please reach out to us on here if you need to. I have found it so supportive to here from others who are on the same journey. Even if you do not comment etc on posts it is helpful to read of others experiences. Take care


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi BBELLA3 Many of us will recognise and understand the feelings you are going through.  From October 2021 to June 2022 I felt like I was rushed through tests, an operation and chemotherapy.  Every week had some medical appointment in it and when it finished I was thankful to have got through it but felt alone and scared. My body had to quickly deal with everything but my emotions hadn’t had chance to catch up. I had some counselling sessions at the end of last year and I am having a catch up session in a couple of weeks-I feel so much better now for having someone outside of my family to talk to.  Be kind to yourself and take care xx

  • Yes this happened to me. I thought that I would be relieved but I was depressed instead. I had my operation in June 2022 and went on holiday 3months afterwards. Than a few weeks later, wham, mentally I went down  hill.The article by Dr peter Harvey helped me a lot especially with realising that it was a common thing. I asked my family and a friend to read it too. I gradually came out of it and Xmas went very well. But I've now gone into a depression again this time mainly due to a return of fatigue I think. Everyday crap doesn't help either I live alone, apart from my dog, with no energy to get myself out and about. Its a circle of fatigue making me depressed and the depression stopping me from exercising etc which makes me more fatigued. And of course I start thinking that I have cancer somewhere else because otherwise I wouldnt be fatigued at 6months post op. I'm guessing that this is also a common thing to feel. So please read the article and keep in touch on here if you can. Chris.

  • I feel exactly the same, wouldn't say I'm depressed but am certainly low a lot of the time. The cancer coming back is on my mind a lot. I'm due a CT at the beginning of march but every random pain is me thinking do I need to bring it forward. I just keep thinking that it is maybe justified that I feel this way after the hellhole of a year I had last year and that it is a common thing to feel like this. Keep going Chrissie, we know how you feel,

    A x

  • I can really relate to your comment re not making the most of every day. I feel that I need to get everything done just in case I get cancer again and this time have to have chemo etc. Its very frustrating. I try to do at least one thing per day even if it isn't much. Hopefully my depression will improve when this stupid fatigue lifts. Let us know how any therapy you have goes.