Hysterectomy recovery

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Hi, I'm new to this forum. I was diagnosed with stage 1 endometrial cancer 6 weeks ago and had a full hysterectomy 4 weeks ago today (robotic laproscopic). 

I was so shocked at diagnosis and then so pleased to have had surgery so quick followed by great histology results 2 weeks later- confirmed stage 1 so they got it all. I think that along with wounds healing well and no bleeding initially made me a bit elated and thinking I'm over it.

Now this week, I feel weaker, more down, I've had some bleeding and my tummy feels bloated and wierd again.  I feel like I am moaning when I should just be glad and be getting on with getting back to normal.

I was on HRT but stopped prior to surgery and now those symptoms are back which doesn't help!

I have looked through some of the threads which are helpful although most of you seem to have had a much worse deal than me.

Would be great to get some more about people's timescales for recovery from hysterectomy if anyone could share.

Many thanks, Sarah 

  • Hi Sarah, welcome to the group! Really pleased for you that your histology confirmed stage 1 - was it grade 1 too?  I don’t know if you’ve seen it but I wrote a hysterectomy diary after my op. It’s here: https://community.macmillan.org.uk/cancer_types/womb-cancer-forum/f/diagnosis-and-treatment/232566/hysterectomy-day-and-after---diary/1679182#167918

    I’d encourage to mention to your CNS about the bleeding and how you’ve been feeling. Though I would also suggest you have a think about whether you may have been overdoing things at all - perhaps with regard to lifting, twisting or stretching? I made quite a fast recovery from my hysterectomy but, at just over 4 months post op, I am still being careful about lifting. Not as restrictively as the first 2 months post op, but still careful.

  • Thank you. Ýes I think I have not been careful enough. I am going to be more cautious now. I think I got a bit to blasè and am paying the price.  Do you expect to get back to heavier lifting in the months to come?

  • Hi Sarah, I’ve been slowly and gradually increasing since about 6 weeks post op, starting with filling the kettle from the tap instead of using a bottle to pit 1-2 cupfuls in, and then doing supermarket shopping but spreading the items between a large number of bags so that they weren’t heavy. I think I put it in my diary thread when I started doing that. I only started doing the vacuuming a couple of weeks ago. A couple of weeks ago I helped my husband carry a table but only a short distance. I lifted a microwave oven today and carried it a short distance and noticed that afterwards I felt a slight pull under my ribs so I won’t do any more lifting for the next day. But then will lift something else but carefully. I’m trying to move forward but also being careful. I’m nit going to behave like a fragile flower but i also don’t want to risk any damage or a prolapse,

  • Hi Sarah, sorry to hear your feeling down. I’m 5 weeks post my laparoscopic hysterectomy tomorrow and also Stage 1A so in a similar position to you. Hopefully I can offer a bit of solidarity! I’ve started back at work this week and have been having huge dips in energy levels especially in the afternoon. I work from home so mainly on the sofa with my laptop, nothing even remotely strenuous!

    I know it’s hard to give yourself objective advice so hopefully I can give you some and try and take it on board myself! You’ve/we’ve had a major operation along with all of the emotional stress and trauma of a cancer diagnosis. Let’s give ourselves a break and accept we don’t have to get back to normal any time soon - as frustrating as that may feel. My boss reminded me this week that not so long ago women were in hospital for several weeks following a hysterectomy so maybe it’s too much to expect to be feeling normal again so quickly! 

  • Thank you so much. I have been trying to tell myself similar but it is good to hear from someone else.  I also work from home but was signed off for 6 weeks and think I will take them all. Work not physically demanding but stressful. I think I have definitely overdone things physically and need to reign it back and concentrate on walking but less lifting and bending.

  • Hi I read this post with interest. It's only Day 13 for me and I'm getting stronger but starting to feel frustrated by the things I can't do. I've started writing a daily diary of positives and negatives as it's amazing how forgetful I am and how hard I am being on myself. But I can see how you can easily overdo something and undo the recovery as you forget when that static pain has gone. Last night I picked up a plate of food on one of those cushion trays that was slightly too heavy and I felt the pain and a little bit of pinky bleeding and feel less great today.

    I am getting a bit confused at my timescales I should be thinking about - I've been given two leaflets - one for general hysterectomy and one for laparoscopic and they vary enormously. When I was discharged from hospital I had a conversation with two surgeons over my dos and don'ts. I'm a wedding photographer and carry very heavy kit for hours on end for my job, running and squatting etc. I told them I have cancelled until mid August and they told me I'd be back before then (not quite how it works - that work has gone!). I asked them were they sure as my kit weighs 6kg! at its heaviest and they said "yep.. no problem!". Seems a bit optimistic to me at this stage. I realised yesterday I think I need to concentrate on doing some very basic, simple core strength exercises and pelvic floor rather than it all being able walking.

    I really wish there was some kind of post surgery group or rehab. I have found one lady in my area that specialises in this (ex NHS rehab) but I can't afford her.

  • Hi, thank you for replying. I agree it is confusing. I was told nothing over 10lb which I think is 4.5 kg for 6 to 8 weeks. I don't think I have hone over that but have bent awkwardly at allotment, carried for too long etc when I felt fine but obviously did too much and felt the effects after. 

    I have been doing pelvic floor exercises and walking but I am now a bit scared of anything that pulls on my tummy at all.  Seems a bit of trial and error.  Very difficult with your job.

    Interestingly both of us on the ward who had our operations got a 6 week sick note whereas someone with a vaginal hysterectomy (not cancer) and a physical job was only given 2 weeks (different surgeon).

    I think the key is to introduce I creased exercise and lifting very gradually and see if your body reacts.


  • Hi Cakenport, at only two weeks post surgery I’d suggest that may be a bit too soon for core strength exercises, even basic and simple. I felt for you over the tray of food as that was one that caught me out early on. We like to go out for Sunday lunch at the local golf club as they do a carvery, and the first time we went post op I loaded up my plate, went to pick up my tray and walk back to our table, promptly realised it pulled and had to call to my husband to come back and carry it for me. Hated feeling incapable. That was just over two weeks post op. Yet we returned five weeks after that, ie seven weeks post op and it was fine carrying it myself. It’s frustrating and also scary at times, but healing does happen if we’re careful and it’s gradual not sudden. I know you didn’t get referred to the CNS as yours was pre-cancer, but I’d suggest to you that it would be good for you to request their contact details as they can refer you to the post surgery physio at the hospital, even just for leaflets or a phone chat. Are you due a post op results/check up appointment with your consultant? 

  • I totally understand the frustration . I’m not a very patient patient! I’m also feeling really bored of just walking. These last few weeks have felt a bit like the first Covid lockdown, I’m walking the same very local routes I did back then when that was about all we were allowed to do! I did unintentionally push it a bit too far on one walk early on - I misjudged the distance and realised about 3/4 of the way round that I’d gone a bit too far. Luckily I was on my way home anyway but it did teach me that slow and cautious is better as frustrating as it is! 

    My post-op leaflet suggests adding in other low impact exercises like swimming, gentle Pilates or a cross trainer at 6-12 weeks so I’m currently counting down the days! Luckily I’m a member of a gym with a pool so looking forward to getting in it and also planning to speak to one of the instructors to get some advice on how to build things up safely.

    I suppose the challenge around giving advice is that everyone’s recovery is different and there’s no one size fits all answer. 

  • Hi @marmite59 I've been given an info pack on some core exercises which it says is safe to do 24 hours after surgery (which I haven't been doing). It's very, very basic stuff - knee rolling, pelvic tilting, abdominal hollowing etc. This is in the pack that's also for abdominal hysterectomy and it says to do it all 3-4 times daily. I'm waiting for my post op results but consultant said it would hopefully just be a phone call. I'll ask if there's anything they can refer me onto. He said 2 weeks but I figure the bank holiday will probably have knocked things off a little so I doubt it will be this week now.