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Hi all. I'm new here. I'm 38 and just had a total hysterectomy due to endometrial cancer. Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. Starting to think about menopause etc and would be good to chat to people about that. Thanks!

  • Hi and a warm welcome to our spot in the Online Community. We've a lovely group of ladies who are all at the start, in the middle or at the end of their journeys so there'll always be someone you can share experiences with, listen to a rant or send a virtual hug.

    There are ladies here who experienced early menopause so I'm sure they'll be along to chat and add their stories. My diagnosis was some years post menopause.

    I hope you're making steady progress after your op and taking things easy. Once you get back your histology results share them with us or just drop by to chat anyway, there's always someone around.

    Sending welcoming hugs, Barb xx

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  • Hallo, it’s good to meet you. Was your hysterectomy laparoscopic? I had mine 5 weeks ago and am due to have genetic testing done soon as something unexpected was found in the histology after my op. How long ago was your op and how are you feeling? Do you know yet when you will get your results?

  • Hi I was 33 when diagnosed, I had a full open hysterectomy in November last year and currently on chemotherapy for some lymph nodes.  I haven’t been to bad with menopause only thing I have had so far is hot flushes and night sweats. X

  • Hi! Wave Yep it was laparoscopic. I had it on 23rd of Feb so still pretty new. I'm feeling good though. Got home the following day and been up and walking about. Bored now. Should get the results in "2-3 weeks"

  • Thanks @Rach_E. I think I got myself all tied up in knots about how bad the menopause was going to be because I hadn't really thought about it yet! 

  • Glad you’re feeling good. I went for a gentle 5 min walk the day I got home from hospital, and then started doing 5 mins twice a day - think it really helps. Are your incisions healing ok? How many did you have? I went through the menopause in my mid 50s so had had it already by the time I had my hysterectomy. But actually never really had any symptoms anyway - no hot flushes or night sweats. But then I do have soy milk every day and wonder if that helped. Also took a herbal remedy.

  • I've got 4 incisions but haven't quite dared to take the sticky bandages off yet. I assume it's better for them to be out in the open so will try to be brave tonight. They don't hurt. 

  • Gosh! I never had any dressings on mine, they were right there in the open as soon as I came round from the anaesthetic. They need to dry out to heal so I’d say yes give it a go. They’re not big - maybe 2.5Cm? I had 3 - one in my belly button, one over to my left and one over to the right.

  • No worries, you could ask your doctor if you can have something for it.  I mentioned it to the macmillan nurse and she said it is something we could ask once the treatment is finished.  I haven’t been too bad lately with the sweats or the hot flushes although lost my hair because of the chemo so that might be helping lol. X

  • Funny how we're all different! I have 3 - one 2" above my belly button, one 5" to the left of the belly button and one much further down, still on the left. Mine were sealed with glue and no dressings.