womb cancer diagnosis

  • 6 replies
  • 87 subscribers

Hi - this is my first post.

I was referred by my GP for tests in May after some very heavy post menopausal bleeding.

2 weeks later I'd had the tests, but when I went for the results, 3 weeks later, they were 'not available yet' 

It's a 40 mile round trip, so a phone call would have been appreciated.

Anyway, after another 2 weeks, early stage endometrial cancer was confirmed.

I've since had a CT scan (no MRI because of my pacemaker) which shows that it hasn't spread, so now I'm on the 'not very urgent' hysterectomy list.

I'm not in any pain, just feel tired a lot of the time - I'm not sure if that's the cancer or one of my other problems!

So, here's my first question.

I'm hoping to go away for a few days with family, just in the UK - does anyone know if symptoms ever suddenly get worse so that I'd need to come home quickly? 

Do I need to ask/tell anyone at the hospital?


  • Hi SkippyT welcome to the forum and sorry to hear about what has been happening  for you its not easy waiting around for all those  results .

    I think that you should be able to go away but if I was you I would phone the hospital and let them know when you will be away as a cancellation may come up and they may try to get you in sooner if that makes sense.

    As to the symptoms getting worse I'm not sure about that one its a risk I suppose and you have to decide if you are ok with that as no one else can tell you the right and wrong on that one it has to be your choice.


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  • Hi Skippy,

    Sorry you find yourself here. In my case I could have gone away quite easily, as after the bleed that sent me to the doctors, I had no more until my operation! But, you never know. At least in this country you could be seen in any hospital if necessary.

    I'd certainly give the hospital a contact number. I was rung up to go in earlier than expected as they had a free slot, so be prepared for anything. When my husband was diagnosed with throat cancer 14 years ago we had a holiday already booked to the Black Forest. The surgeon gave us his blessing to go, and although I was dubious it did us both good. It felt as if we had left the bad throat in England!! Good luck!!! xxx

  • thank you for your reply  - I'll give them a ring on Monday - I'm not expecting to be called in at a moment's notice as I'm on blood thinners at the moment and need to stop them a few days before the operation

  • thank you for your reply - a few days away would be great at the moment, especially as i don't feel sick.  I'll speak to the CNS on Monday.

  • Hi and welcome to our spot in the Online Community. Endometrial cancer is a slow growth cancer so don't panic that they're not wheeling you in immediately.  The waiting for tests and results is exhausting and the stress is probably what's making you tired so a few days away will do you good. I'd let your CNS and Consultant's secretary at the hospital know as on occasion they'll get a cancellation and try a fill the slot - some of us here held their hands up for that option.

    I can honestly say I never felt unwell at the start of my journey - My only symptom was a slight pink mucous spotting on my undies over a couple of days, I wasn't even going to bother my GP as I didn't think it worth worrying about it. My bestie nagged me and I'm glad she did.

    If you want to ask any of us any questions please come back and do so. There's always someone around and we can offer a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold or listen to a rant, we’re here for you.

    You might also find this link to what to take in my overnight bag useful.

    It might also be a good idea to download this booklet Understanding Womb (Endometrial) Cancer I found it invaluable in my journey. 

    It’s always good to talk and the Macmillan Support Services provides lots of information, support, financial guidance or just a listening ear. It's free to call on 0808 808 00 00  8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. Have a look to see what is available by Clicking here .

    There is also an Ask an Expert section, but you should allow two working days for replies from our expert team.

    To find information covering diagnosis, treatments and pages covering most types of cancers can be found on our Online Information and Support Section

    Sending you welcoming hugs, B xx Hugging

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    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Thanks for the welcome.  The CNS gave me a copy of that booklet (which is now my bedtime reading!), along with a lot of other information which I'm wading through.

    I will let the team know that I'm away, but I'm on blood thinners which have to stop for 2 days before an operation, so there should be time to get back if necessary.