A newbie after some advice

  • 18 replies
  • 89 subscribers

Hi everyone

I haven't had a diagnosis as yet, but I just wanted to ask some advice.

I am 51, at the beginning of June I had a postmenapausal bleed after 2.5 years without any periods. I called my GP, and he immediately put me on the 2ww pathway. I had an external and an internal ultrasound on the 18th June.

This morning I got a letter with an appointment to see a consultant on 5th July. This person is the lead clinican for oncology and a consulatant gynaecologist. The letter says that "I might find it helpful to bring someone".

So what I would like to ask is, is this kind of wording standard on an NHS letter? I am fearing the worst...

I have been so worried since I googled, but had I not googled I wouldn't have called my GP, and marked the bleeding as a rogue period!

Thank you all for being here!


  • Hi Sarah, it does sound a bit vague doesn't it? Personally I'd try ringing the consultants secretary and ask if they could give you a call. I rang the gynae nurse who works on the gynae ward and told her that I wasn't prepared to wait for a face to face meeting with the consultant and told her that I needed to know asap. After the regional MDT the consultant rang me and told me what they had found and what would happen next. It turned out to be a cancerous fibroid which is extremely rare apparently. I had my husband with me and my phone was on loudspeaker so we could both ask questions. 

    Good luck and take care. Deb

  • Hi Rahh,

    Sorry you find yourself here. I'm pretty sure my letter said similar. Its wise to take someone with you in case your mind is blank. I remember when my husband was told he had cancer he forgot everything they told him and its a good job I was with him. I have no idea if they say that if the operation doesn't involve cancer!! I also don't know if they allow others in with you now because of Covid. 

    The only thing is, if it is cancer you have gone quickly, and hopefully caught it early. I had one spotting and one bleed, was Stage 1 grade 2, and only needed a hysterectomy. The operation was done by keyhole, and was amazing. I am coming up to 4 years post op. Good luck. xxx

  • Hi Sarah,

    I also had a post menopausal bleed and went through the 2 week pathway, on my letters it stated NOT to take any one with me and for the first appt I went alone...... once I was in there they said was there anyone who could be with me.....so I think it’s a policy change to encourage you to be accompanied. This was of course due to COVID situation.

    After that I always took my husband who took notes , prompted me to ask my prepared questions and generally a second pair of ears.

    Dont google it’s wasted energy and a lot of what you will read is outdated and will just keep your mind racing.

    I understand your anxious and it’s very normal to be scared... if you explore the site a lot of ladies say this is the worst part ...waiting ...put your faith in the medical team, they were superb in my case.

    In the meantime I really encourage you to  present the best possible you going forward, eat well and try walking regularly....a positive attitude is essential,  some one early on said to me you must have a determination not to sink... and my McMillan nurse said get your Bridget Jones knickers on and it will be ok.... 

    Pop back and give us updates if you can and there is always someone on here who will help you, 

    big hug 


  • Hi Deb, thank you for replying Slight smile I'm really sorry to hear this. I hope they can get you sorted out soon.

    I'm happy to wait for the face to face appointment, I'm not very good on the phone. I'm reading between the lines and thinking, are they preparing me for bad news, or is that a standard reply that everyone gets!

    Take care x

  • Hi NannyAnny, thank you for your kind and reasurring words. I'm so glad to hear you're doing so well. I hope your husband is too. Its so scary that no wonder its difficult to comprehend, my husband is coming with me. He had a quadruple heart bypass 10 years ago, and other minor medical things since then, he's fine tho.

    I have never had any dealings with the NHS, except the usual illness and having my son 30 years ago. I guess Ive been lucky in that respect. He will know the right things to ask if I can't.

    Take care xxx

  • Hi Sue, i'm sure in these COVID times that if it wasn't difficult news they would ask me to come alone, this is why I'm thinking the worst. My husband is coming with me, he has a calm head in difficult situations.

    I have stopped googling now, it scared me silly. I did google the consultant though :)

    I agree waiting is awful, last week was terrible. I feel better knowing I have a date to find out whats going on, at least I will know.

    All my knickers are big, so that wont be a problem.... lol!

    Thank you so much xx

  • Hi  Sarah and welcome to our little corner of the Online Community. Here you'll find a lovely group of supportive ladies who have all been exactly where you are now. A possibility of any cancer diagnosis brings all sorts of stress and fears and if anyone can hold your hand and reassure you we will. We're all at the start, in the middle or the end of what can only be described as a roller-coaster ride. The ride no-one wants to get on.

    I agree with the other ladies, don't consult Dr Google, but in a way it's good you did otherwise you might have ignored your bleed as a "one-off" and not spoken to your GP. I was some years post menopause (at least 10) when one morning noticed a few pink mucous like spots on my undies. It happened again a few days later. I was going to ignore it as I didn't think worth bothering my GP. Mentioned it to my bestie and she insisted I get it checked out - I'm so glad she did. 

    It's a scary time for you (we've all been there) so it might be a good idea to download this booklet Understanding Womb (Endometrial) Cancer I found it invaluable in my journey. 

    It’s always helpful to others if you write a little something (or a lot) about yourself and your journey to date. You can enter it into your profile (click on your username and select “Profile”) It’s helpful to other members with a similar diagnosis who can then hopefully answer your questions. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. You can amend or update it at any time. If you’re not sure what to write, just click on my username.

    If you want to ask any of us any questions please come back and do so. There's always someone around and we can offer a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold or listen to a rant, we’re here for you.

    It’s always good to talk and the Macmillan Support Services provides lots of information, support, financial guidance or just a listening ear. It's free to call on 0808 808 00 00  8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. Have a look to see what is available by Clicking here .

    There is also an Ask an Expert section, but you should allow two working days for replies from our expert team.

    To find information covering diagnosis, treatments and pages covering most types of cancers can be found on our Online Information and Support Section

    Sending you welcoming hugs, B xx Hugging

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  • Hi Mrs BJH

    Thanks for all the information, and for the reasurrance. I just have to try to stop worrying (!!) and hope for the best on Monday

    Thanks for the hugs, much needed xx

  • Hi Rahh,

    If you survived husband having a quadruple heart bypass, I think you will survive anything!  I found it much worse watching someone go through it than going through it myself. I just felt so helpless when my husband had a rough 3 years with 2 operations and various procedures for throat cancer 14 years ago. And yes, they sorted him out. Other than talking with a speech valve he is fine. Amazing what they can do these days.xxx

  • I guess so, it wasn't great to see him so poorly, but you just get on with it.

    So glad to hear they sorted your husband out, and yes it is absolutly amazing what they can do!

    I'll be back on Monday with news.....be it good or bad xx