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Hi. I'm 66 Yr old granny.   Diagnosed with tumour on cervix.  Had MRI now awaiting pet scan to check lymph nodes.  After which treatment will be discussed.  Mention of radiotherapy so far. No mention of hysterectomy which is worrying me for some reason.  Tumour 1cm.  Love to hear from anyone else with similar diagnosis.  Manythanks

  • Hi Ace30, welcome to this forum. It’s good that you have a diagnosis, but now you’re having to play the waiting game, the one we all loathe as the mind goes in to overdrive. I can’t really offer any insights, as my diagnosis last August was straightforward, cancer cells found in a biopsy taken inside the womb, so total hysterectomy for me, followed by three sessions of internal radiotherapy (brachytherapy) which was OK. Hopefully some of the other ladies here may be able to share their experience. Just hang on in there, you'll feel more in control once they have a treatment plan for you, good luck!

    Viv x

  • Hi Ace,

    I felt moved to answer you as I had something similar in my 20's, although cancer wasn't mentioned. Have they said its definitely cancerous? They cauterized mine, which then caused me to miscarry twice. I had to have 2 babies stitched into the womb in order to carry them. When I went for my pre op for womb cancer, the consultant said 'Oh we don't do it like that now'. I didn't ask what they did now, but did wonder about radiotherapy. It would have been much less invasive, but probably wasn't used then so widely. (50 years ago)

    I find the medical people so clever these days. Be assured they will give you the correct treatment and they won't operate unless they really have to. However a hysterectomy is done its a big operation. xxxxx.

  • Thanks.  Seem to be good reports about brachytherapy 

  • Hi Ace, If you are talking about brachytherapy it was unheard of when I had problems there. Lots of ladies here have had brachytherapy, and will no doubt be along soon. I only needed a hysterectomy. It all depends what they find as to what treatment you need. xxx 

  • Ace, the brachytherapy was very “do-able” if not very dignified, but the staff were brilliant, making me feel very comfortable and as relaxed as was possible. I had three sessions, one per week, lasting about 5 minutes. I was reluctant to have it at first, but was reassured by my oncologist who told me it’s a very targeted treatment and therefore has less side effects. He also informed me that the radioactive source is about the size of a grain of rice - I had been imagining something much bigger!! It’s quite weird when everyone leaves the room and you are left all alone, but they had put a cd on for me to listen to….unfortunately it was the Fishermen’s Friends, singing sea shanties, I would have preferred the Stones! Have they said whether you will have brachy or external?

  • Hi Jigsaw thanks for your reply.  Made me laugh being a stones fan myself.  No I've a pet scan to get then oncologist will tell me what treatment.  Gynaecologist in local hospital said radiation maybe brachytherapy.  For some reason I was down about that as I thought surgery   it's a bit of a roller coaster emotionally 

  • Hi Ace30,

    So sorry that you find yourself in that limbo between diagnosis and knowledge of your treatment.  I suppose I am not surprised that they tell you a hysterectomy is unlikely for you as I gather that when Cervical Cancer is diagnosed it  is often not treated with that operation.  I have also heard that Brachytherapy for Cervical cancer is not carried out in quite the same way as for the womb ladies so I expect you'll learn about that from the cervical forum.   

    One good thing about this forum is that a lot of us are not in the first flush of youth - Womb cancer being more common in older ladies.  So it is a good place to find advice about ways of managing everyday tasks during your treatment. 

     I was a bit older than you are when I was diagnosed and was lucky enough not to have needed much in the way of medical treatment for years.  in fact the last time I had been in hospital was when my sons were born some 50 years before!  I was really apprehensive but It was a welcome surprise to find out how much things had improved.



    (Class of 2015!)

  • Hi  Glad to see you joined us on the Womb Forum. Can't be a bad thing to double up on sharing information. I was going through my treatments last year at the same time as Viv ( ) Once you've completed your scans the MDT will meet to discuss your forward treatment.

    We'll be here to hold your hand and answer any questions you may have.

    Sending hugs, Barb xx Hugging

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