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  • 87 subscribers

Hello. Tomorrow I am going in, again, for my hysterectomy op. All 4 bits out via key hole and down below. How many times can you go in, wait 9 hours on the ward, and then be postponed?  I have my colouring book packed, which was a great time waster last time.  I am a bit more savvy this time. No to the all day cannula and ring hubby at 3 for a lift home.   I have found all the tips, advise and stories really useful. Thank you. Next job is to pack some dried fruit.

  • Will be thinking of you tomorrow - fingers, toes (and legs?!) crossed that all will go ahead as planned and that you’ll soon be home and starting your recovery.

    Take care

    Pippa xxx

  • Hi Gilly Anne,

    I expect you are there by now. I had my op brought forward, then cancelled at the last minute. I was told an emergency had come in who needed my slot. Unfortunately, it happens. Take it easy afterwards.xx

  • Hi  and welcome to our spot in the Online Community. Sorry to read your op was postponed last time, that must've been awful. It did happen a few times last year to some of the ladies here. 

    Glad you've found the tips and advice helpful. Must check and add colouring book and dried fruit to the list if not on there.

    We're all here to support each other so hope all goes well on Thursday, come back and tell us how it went once you feel up to it.

    Gentle hugs your way, B xx Hugging

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Thank you for all your support.  I was bumped up to number one, so I was in recovery by 11am.  Now it is good to be home.  Is there a video on the injections? - I was fine on the practice run on the dummy in hospital, but failed on my first attempt.  I am trying to remember to take it easy, pottering and napping.  Trying to remember to do all the exercises and keep moving.  Looking at the scars in the mirror is a good reminder to slow down - lots of mending to do on the inside.

  • Hi Gilly Anne, good its over with!!! Enjoy your peace and quiet at home!! Have you anyone who could do the injections for you? I found I was too much of a wuss, so I held a lump of flesh while husband jabbed! xxx

  • Hi . Great to read you were bumped up the list and already home! Well done.

    I don't know of any video but the nurse just showed me to pinch some flesh (most of us tend to have a bit to spare) a couple of inches from the Belly button and just jab it in quickly releasing the syringe. I also used the tops of my thighs and the paperwork said either or.

    The bruises will be horrendous and took longer to fade than I expected but like everything else along this journey, soon over and done with.

    Yes, good advice on looking at the scars in the mirror to remember lots of mending to do inside.

    Sending hugs, Barb xx Hugging

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Thank you for all the tips on the injection.  Managed to do it by breathing through the procedure.  Feeling rubbish at the moment - not sure if it is the nausea, aches or all the exercises, breathing, coughing (huffing up the flem),  pills or hangry, but I do not fancy any food. Tried honey on toast, now on the dried fruit, nuts and seeds mix.   The pottering is getting to me, walking round the garden, I am not happy on the move, but it makes me feel better for a time.  Trying a walk round the garden with D2...