Awaiting MRI

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Hi. I’m new. May 27th my world came down but deep down I knew.  I’m 47 and have had severely heavy bleeding and pain for 2 yrs. backwards and forwards to doctor explaining that this is not normal and I want to be referred. Had tranasvaginal scan approx 20 months ago and was told I have 2 fibroids but it doesn’t explain the heavy clots and flooding I experienced so needs further investigation. I was offered the coil and refused it. Kept being told I was approaching my menopause. Then Covid happened, doctor put me on transenamic acid and that was it. Repeat prescriptions only. I had to sit on towels at work, wear black clothing all the time and frequently dash to get changed or home to shower. Finally I was due a smear in dec 2020, it came back clear and I naively thought it meant everything was ok... I’ve since been diagnosed with under active thyroid and a random doctor actually listened to me over the phone and referred me back for another transvaginal scan. This led to biopsies and having a consultant who was shocked to tell me last week that I have endometrial cancer. At 47 and pre menopausal he says he did not expect it. I’m so angry. I have my mri Tuesday and waiting to see how bad it’s going to be. I’ve been told I will be fine. Hard to say to others when you don’t believe it yourself. I’m sorry to be negative. I hope I can be more positive after Tuesday. I can’t stop thinking about my kids (29 & 27) and grandsons. I’m so heartbroken right now. Telling my daughters was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I feel like I can’t say what I really want to say because it will upset others. I likely have 2 whole weeks before I know what I’m dealing with and I just want to curl up and be alone until I know. Any advice ladies? Xx 

  • Hi MummaJ, welcome to this forum, where we’ve all found ourselves on a journey we really don’t want to be on. I can truly understand how upset you are feeling right now. Knowing that what is happening with your body is not right, but not being listened to is just awful. And even if you suspect something, being told you have cancer is just the most shocking thing. So you are still reeling at the moment, with emotional overload.

    Cervical smear tests do not detect womb cancer, it’s usually the biopsy and scans that detect something is wrong.If they have detected abnormal cells you will quite quickly have a hysterectomy. The MDT ( multi disciplinary team) will look at all your scans and decide a course of treatment. Take heart that this is a treatable cancer, many women just need a hysterectomy, others need further treatment. But once those abnormal cells have been spotted they like to get it all out ASAP. After your op there is usually about a three week wait for histology results, which will give you the grade and stage, and then decisions on what happens next.

    I so agree with you about telling your children. Telling my 49year old son was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But I think it’s something you have to do.  You can’t carry a secret like that and lie that everything is OK. They will probably take their lead from you, if you want to talk about it all with them they will surely want to support you. On here you can say whatever you want, laugh, cry, or rant, there’s always someone around to listen and swap experiences.

    Take care of yourself, things should happen speedily now, try not to worry yourself sick ( waste of time saying that!)


  • I understand how you're feeling. I remember telling my doctor that I'd like to be put into a coma until the results came back and I was only half joking. The wait is truly the worst part. I've suffered with severe anxiety and my doctor prescribed Citalopram and it has helped a lot. My mental health is still dodgy, especially of a morning, but I can function and I'm not in tears 24/7. Try to distract yourself with things you enjoy/used to enjoy. It will get easier and you must absolutely tell people how you feel - it will help.

  • Hi Viv, 

    Thank you so much for taking the time to respond, I feel like no one I know really knows how I feel so this really is a comfort. I am sorry that you have clearly been on the same journey - being a woman is punishing on many levels!
    Yes I realise now that smears don’t pick up anything and my daughters and sisters did not know this either so clearly there is more educating to be done somewhere. 

    I have been told I will at the very least have a full hysterectomy (ovaries too) within 3-4 wks, pending results from the mri. I’ve been asking for one for just over a year now but they were notFingers crossed tone2n as I haven’t had my menopause yet. my girls have been amazingly supportive already and am sure will continue to do so.... I am lucky to have so much support around me, I have spent time readinFingers crossed tone2her people’s stories and some ladies don’t have a support network which has made me realise a few things. There is always a blessing even when times are so dark and gloomy. I hope to be able to Fingers crossed tone2 back and share some good news. Fingers crossed Fingers crossed tone2 and thank you again. I wish you love and strength 


  • Hey poisoned apple, 

    thank you for your response. It is really appreciated... 

    I’m sorry to hear you have suffered with severe anxiety, but also coping very well by the sounds of it. I guess us women are stronger than we know sometimes. I have started writing lists of things I would like to do whilst off work. I am frantically spring cleaning while I can and also keeping a journal, which I am finding is helping me already. Have you been given results or prognosis yet? I’m just having the most awful gloomy thoughts. I have my grandsons today (5 & 7 yes old) and keep thinking they’re too young to remember me if the worst happens... dramatic and unlikely I hope but I can’t help these thoughts from seeping into my brain. It’s very early days so I know I probably will be more rational soon! I wish you well and thank you again for your kind words  


  • Hi  you've come to the right place to find comfort and support from ladies who have all been on this rollercoaster ride. It seems that you've been failed by the system badly. I can understand your anger and frustration when they don't listen to you when you're telling them something's wrong. 

    Don't worry about feeling negative and afraid, we've all been there. We've cried, ranted supported each other and even laughed together but were here for you. Once the MRI scan's been done they'll have a clearer picture and form a treatment plan. Until then ask any questions and we'll be around to answer.

    As for telling your family it is very hard but they'll probably surprise you by being strong for you. It might be helpful for them if they take a look at Family and friends forum.

    Sending you welcoming hugs, Barb xx Hugging

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  • Hi Barb, 

    Thank you, this week has definitely been a roller coaster ride.... and I hate pesky roller coasters! My poor partner gets the brunt of my mood - which changes throughout the day I have to say. Right now I have delight in watching my grandson play footy in the sunshine & im making promises to myself that I will never take the simple things for granted again! 
    mad soon as I know what’s in store after the mri I will be able to get into the right headspace and focus on what I need to do, not what I might have to. 
    I hope you and family are enjoying good weather too, wishing you well xx 


  • I have a tentative prognosis. Definitely grade 1b as it has spread to the cervix and maybe grade 2 as it may be in the lymph nodes - that is still classed as being caught early. I need to start spring cleaning before my op on 17th June or the place will be a disaster zone on my return. Try not to think too far ahead - I know that's easier said than done - but a lot of people gave me that advice and it does help. 

    I hope you have a good day x