Here we go again

  • 3 replies
  • 86 subscribers

When I created my account in the Head and Nexk forum, I didn’t think I’d be needing to join another forum quite so soon.

I had a hemiglossectomy (1/2 my tongue was reconstructed) & neck dissection in October followed by Radiotherapy.

in the middle of Radiotherapy I started some unexpected bleeding which I initially wrote off to stress. But it kept happening.

Hysteroscopy at the beginning of March showed “PRE-cancerous cells” and a cyst on one ovary.  To cut a long story short, after a hysterectomy 2 weeks ago, it transpires that I had early cancer in both uterus and ovary. However, apparently Stage 1 plus Stage 1 = 3 so now I have to have a chat with ANOTHER oncologist!

Feeling shell-shocked.

  • Hi Panch,

    Sorry you find yourself here.

    Your story reminded me of both my husbands and my stories. 14 years ago he had cancer at the base of his tongue, had a laser operation and radiotherapy. All this damaged his larynx so much that he had to have his larynx removed a year later. It hasn't really stopped him from doing much, but he talks with a speech valve. During his operations they had to insert a feeding tube into his stomach and we found out then he had a stomach ulcer which we knew nothing about.Tablets control that.

    After my scans I was told that my thyroid was growing down the back of my throat with the potential to stop my breathing! I immediately thought I was in line for another operation, but when I saw the throat people they were not concerned!! Now I am on thyroid tablets they think that will control it!

    Just try to think of it as having a MOT. I should think they are going to see if your two cancers are connected. I always remember my husband saying ' Just because they've solved one cancer, it doesn't stop you getting one somewhere else.' (talking about his case) Not really want I wanted to hear, but true, I suppose.

    If there's one thing we've learnt about cancer over the years is the sooner its caught, the better. And yours seem to have been caught early. Wishing you all the best. Take it easy, and hopefully that's the end of it all. xxx

  •  Hi . I'm so sorry to read of all the trauma you've already been through and the shock of another diagnosis.

    You've joined a lovely group of supportive ladies here on this forum who'll be here to support you through this, listen to your fears or just hold your hand.

    I hope you're healing well after your hysterectomy, did you have keyhole? Nevertheless take things very easy and don't overdo things. If you want to chat, come back and we'll be here for you.

    Sending welcoming hugs, BarbxxHugging

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  • Thanks for the support and welcome.

    Tree initial suggested treatment seems to be chemo AND Radiotherapy- the prospect of which I do not find appealing!