Hello, I'm new

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To start off I feel a bit of a fraud. I got my cancer diagnosis today as well as the news it was gone.

I should be happy but I'm just in shock that I had cancer. I'm not sure why it's such a shock as my consultant suspected my EIN had led to cancer and I thought I had come to terms with it but actually being told it had been found was a massive shock.

So I feel I need to talk about it with people who will understand even if I don't have cancer anymore 

  • Hi The CatsMother,

    I should think yours is the best way of having cancer! Saves weeks of worrying and uncertainty!! I can see it will take time to get your head round it! When my husband was diagnosed we couldn't concentrate on anything. Kept putting things down and forgot where we had put them. All the best xxx  

  • Hi  and welcome to our corner of the Online Community. We've a lovely supportive group of ladies here who will all be as pleased as me to read you've had cancer and it's gone.

    Just hearing the "C" word fills us with fear and emotions we didn't think existed. Cancer was the very thing on my mind when I had a few pink spots on my undies just after my 67th birthday. I wasn't even going to contact my GP but my bestie nagged and nagged. Glad she did as I had an aggressive cancer which is no more after a TLH, BSO & Omentectomy and 3 sessions of Brachytherapy.

    8 months on it's all a distant memory and I'm slightly ashamed to confess I'd never heard of Endometrial cancer!

    I think you're the second person in a week who thinks she's a fraud as she's also escaped! You're not, you're probably in shock and if you want to talk about it more come back, we're hear to listen!

    Sending welcoming hugs, Barb xx

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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MrsBJH

    Hi both and thank you both for the warm welcomes :)

    I think shock is right, my consultant suspected it had progressed to cancer but it took actually hearing they found it for it to sink in.

    I lost my mum in January and I really wish she had been there yesterday. I'm 35 but feel a bit like a scared child currently with everything that has happened this year.

    I hope in time I can Cling on to the positives. My consultant was very pleased with my progress (had to have an open surgery due to having a large ovarian cyst- going to have a cracking scar!) which was good as all the potential complications put the fear in me

    Blimey Mrs BJH that is quite a journey, thank goodness you got it checked, that isn't much in the way of symptoms at all. A good Bestie is worth their weight in gold and then some 

  • Hi you are just a little bit old than me I just had a read of your bio sorry for the loss of your mum and your cancer wishing got the best xxx