
  • 9 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Morning everyone 

Well had a great week felt so well still do overall but my back ache has increased so much so I took a codeine, also bloated and slightly constipated so back on the poop juice as I call it anyone else had this ?

I think I may have overdone  it had a 20 min walk but it was gentle later I  made the dinner and cleaned as I went, ooh habits die today gentle 10 minute walk and hubby sorting food .


  • Hi Linda, codeine does tend to constipate so maybe different pain relief might work better for you at this time. The walking should be fine, though I found softer ground better than pavements - it’s likely that prolonged standing, and maybe lifting/twisting depending on what cleaning you were doing, may have been the culprit. It’s good to listen to our bodies. Hope he’s a good cook!

  • Well if you like beans on toast and a stir fry hes your man...rotated to vary it Rofl

  • Bless him! You could always splash out on some M&S ready meals as a treat! We find them delicious and it makes it so easy. 

  • Oh yes, I just popped into my local M&S this morning after being zapped! Don’t have the next zapping until 6pm on Monday so will have a small amount of veg this evening!

  • I love our local M&S food hall - it’s like therapy going in there! I often pop in between shops to do a spot ot yellow label (ie reduced price) shopping! The bakery is amazing, the fruit and veg often reasonably priced, and the quality of the food is great. The Chinese is especially good. Enjoy your veg! I really especially missed broccoli, sprouts and cabbage during my radio in 2022! And jacket potatoes! Luckily I had several bank holidays during my treatment which gave me the opportunity to treat myself a bit!

  • So do we share the same M&S as spotted you were treated at Southampton like me..funnily enough it was Chinese and it had a yellow reduced label..result…I was at Hedge End

  • Haha no my local is New Milton - I had an hour’s drive each way each day for my treatment so it took out a large chunk of the day each day! I mostly had my treatments on Linac machines E and F, with occasional forays to the machines at Compton House across the way. I’m just off to M&S now for a quick look! 

  • Hope you find something nice. Me I’m on Linac D, with one foray to Linac F