Control freak :-)

  • 6 replies
  • 62 subscribers

Hiya All 

I am doing my own head in trying to organise things I have no control over :-).. 

My scan from the 2nd Jan missed the mdt meeting yesterday - so will be next week now.

I am self employed contractor so trying to let work know as much info as possible so I have a job to return to when recovered.. I also have a week in the office in Scotland (I am north west based) planned with work for early Feb and a have a long weekend planned in Poland for mid Feb! I have no idea whether to pack a hospital case a work case or holiday case :-)… I know I need to let go and what will be will be.. its my adhd I need to have some idea when things will happen…

I don’t expect anyone to know when things will happen just feel better after typing the above out.. 

hope you all have a good as week as possible

take care

Maria x 

  • Ah Maria …you sound like me..not easy is it…although I am a little ahead of you in the journey. I was trying to plan things when going through tests, scans like you, and nothing I did to plan/prepare actually worked, and things sprung upon me at last minute, including appointment to understand results pre op, when I went in on a Friday morning and got told they had a cancellation on Monday to do my op, and they had already arranged pre op assessments for that afternoon.  Had a fun weekend sorting out everything including work ! The positive side was it gave me little time to worry!  Hope the next week isn’t too long for you and you have a clearer picture

  • Glad I am not the only one, was worrying the nurses would be saying oh its her again ha ha. Hope you are doing ok now x 

  • I’m good thanks..but still on plotting and planning phase..I’m midway between op and further treatment, trying to sort out work, trying to sort out getting Covid and flu jabs pre next treatment  plus other stuff, todays fun was GP have flu vaccines but no Covid, luckily I found a pharmacist with 3 Covid vaccines left but no flu…

  • Just to let you know I'm feeling for you. I found one of the hardest things is that diagnosis, tests, treatment etc is not quite the linear process I had in my head. It's a really difficult time and can feel all consuming. 

    This forum is a great place for support and the helpline is great - they are such good listeners when we are having a bad day. 

  • OMG…you are so right re your comments about “not quite the linear process”. I have been saying to friends that I have gone from far left of the path to far right of the path, and occasionally I hit the path in the middle

  • The path is a great way to describe it. I need to remember that.