Lynch syndrome

  • 11 replies
  • 64 subscribers


Those of you were tested what triggered the test?  Did you ask for it?

Due to family history I would like to get tested for assurance if nothing else but it's not been mentioned to me.


  • Hi, my hospital does a pre-Lynch test as part of the histology for *all* hysterectomies done for endometrial cancer. If that test is positive, they do a full genetic test. My pre-test was negative so that was that, but, because of family cancer history (prostate cancer (my father) and breast cancer paternal grandmother)) I had the BRCA genetic test (negative).

  • Thank you.  It's possible therefore that I've had similar.  My father and maternal grandfather both had colorectal cancer 

  • I will ask if similar was done for me 

  • I originally had bowel cancer, and analysis of the tumour removed during surgery earlier this year showed MSI-H, which apparently is a potential indicator of Lynch syndrome.

    As a result I was referred to the hospital genetics team and filled in a questionnaire which I'm waiting to hear back from - I have a telephone apoitment set up for a couple of weeks time. 

    I've subsequently also been found to have endometrial cancer and had a hysterctomy yesterday.  

  • Sorry to hear of your diagnoses.  And thank you for your information.

  • Hi P00hsticks, I hope you are recovering well. Were these both primary cancers? And what symptoms did you have please?

  • Hi P00hsticks,

    I was diagnosed with MSH6 two years ago, after I had endometrial cancer. I now have large polyps in my sigmoid colon, diagnosed three weeks ago. I'm waiting for another colonoscopy to get them removed. Fingers crossed they are negative for cancer. 

  • I wish you a speedy recovery. I had mine two years ago. No problems afterward. 

  • I'm still waiting for the histology results from the hystectomy, but think at present they are two separate primary cancers.

    I didn't have any symptoms from the bowel cancer - it was diagnosed as a result of my doing a routine bowel screening test.

    Then the follow up CT scan to stage that also showed a thickened uterus (again I'd had no symptoms) which was flagged for follow up after my bowel surgery. I had an ultrasound and hysteroscopy which showed cancer cells so have jsut had a hysterectomy & tubes & ovaries removed. I did start to get a little bit of occasional blood spotting recently but nothing major. 

  • That's good to know. How are you feeling after your hysterectomy? I was a bit sore after. It didn't help that I had low blood pressure and fainted in the bathroom. I fell backward and hurt my coccyx. I think that was worse than the op.