Spotting 12 months after hysterectomy. Terrified.

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Spotting, in November 2023 I had a biopsy via hysteroscopy that showed high-grade precancer. I underwent a radical hysterectomy in Jan 24. 

Histology showed the same as the biopsy, very high grade precancer, bordering on stage 1a, grade 1.

I went into surgical menopause (I was 42) it was horrendous. Saw a consultant at the menopause clinic 4 months later and she prescribed me HRT due to low risk of my stage and grade, she said the risk was very low of 'stirring anything up'.

I had a follow-up with a consultant in September, including pelvic exam. All looked OK. When I asked if it had been cancer or precancer, she said it was tipping into cancer, which counts as a cancer diagnosis. This came as a bit of a shock somehow,  as i felt i'd been led to believe it was precancer. Anyway....She mentioned some vaginal atrophy and suggested oestrogen cream (i haven't used any to date)

So all seemed it was ok. But today I have started spotting. I'm absolutely terrified that this is a recurrence of the cancer. I've left a voicemail with the macmillan nurse and know I just have to wait but I am so so scared. I have a 7 year old and can't shop thinking the worst. 

Not sure what I'm expecting from this forum but just feel like I might explode if I don't vent to someone. It's so awful, yesterday I was playing with my daughter, not a care in the world and now I feel like I've been punched in the face and that might have been my last Christmas. 

  • Hi Gg332

    I am sorry to hear that you have had some spotting and I can understand how frightening it must be. You have done the right thing in calling your nurse and getting this checked.

    It is possible that there may be other reasons for this spotting. If it does turn out to be something starting up again then it does not mean that it can not be treated.

    It is reassuring that your check up 3 months ago was ok so if there is something going on then it is still early. 

    While you are waiting to hear back from your nurse why not give the Support Line a call and talk things through. It may help. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you. I got through to the nurse this morning and she's going to get me in to see someone ASAP. She top said it could be a number of things. I hope and pray it isn't the cancer returning. Going by what I've read, the chances of my cancer at the stage it was, coming back is something like 5% or less. So I will feel extremely unlucky if it has! Just trying to get through the days atm.


    Had MRI results and examination today. No sign of any recurrence. They assume the spottingbwas menopause related. Just adding this for comfort of anyone else who finds themselves in the same situation. 

    Spotting after EC is a sign of recurrence but it's also caused by a variety of benign conditions. 

  • That’s really great news- you must be so relieved Blush