Anxious wait for biopsy after Hysteroscopy

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  • 65 subscribers


Im new here and not sure where to post and what.

Im hoping someone can offer some advice.

Im 53 years old, still having periods, sort of.In April this year after an ultra sound it was found that my Endometrium was 20mm, i had originally been to my Dr with heavy irregular periods and continuous pelvic pain/discomfort. The dr didnt seem worried about this and his reply was that i was due an appointment with Gynacology, which i did not have till beginning of June, in the meantime i was still having pelvic pain, so i asked Dr for another ultrasound which he was reluctant to do as i had already had one, went for second ultrasound at end of may, still showing 20 mm endometrium, couple small fibroids and a cyst on my ovary, i still hadnt seen Gynacologist, but Drs were not pushing for Hysteroscopy to check everything was ok...

I seen Gyno in June, she didnt seem worries either, i was still having periods, so no rush, she did want to me to have Hysteroscopy just in case. There was some confusion about date of this procedure as i only had it done last week, October, 7 months after first seeing thickened Endometrium.

In meantime i was bleeding so heavy that i ended up going local A & E which confirmed i was anaemic and they gave me tablets to stop bleed, which im still taking now.

So after 7 months ive now had the procedure, not the most pleasant, the lady who performed the procedure was very vague with the findings, says my Endometrium still thick and have a polyp, which needs to be removed to be checked.

After reading so many womens experiences, it seems that if the lining is thick that they were put on 2 week cancer pathway, especially with pelvic pain and heavy irregular bleeding.

So now im really worried about biopsy results and having polyp removed tomorrow and results from that.

Sorry if its a bit long, these are just main issues, its been a long road. 

Should i be worried, i try to think sometimes its my age, but i think deep down maybe something could be wrong as i still do not feel well.

Thank you for listening, and advice would be really appreciated at this anxious time

  • Hi Poppydoodle

    I am in the same position, just waiting for the biopsy and blood results. Try and remain positive.

  • Hi Poppydoodle

    Welcome to the Womb group.

    I am sorry to hear of your pain and bleeding and thickened endometrium. 

    It does seem that ladies who are still having periods tend to be seen on the routine gynae list whereas ladies who have a post menopausal bleed tend to be seen on the 2 week pathway. I know myself that I had some very heavy, irregular bleeding with pain during perimenopause. I was never seen by a gynaecologist but my GP put me on the mini pill which effectively stopped all bleeding. 

    A thickened lining (hyperplasia) can have different causes and cancer is only one of them. Depending on the type of hyperplasia there can be different treatment. It is atypical hyperplasia that tends to be more of a concern as it can, in some ladies, in time lead them to develop cancer. The biopsy that you had will help determine the reason for your hyperplasia. The fibroids they have found, the polyp and also the cyst on your ovary can sometimes cause the bleeding and pain you have been experiencing. With having such heavy bleeding, it is no wonder you do not feel well. 

    Endometrial Hyperplasia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

    The hysteroscopy and biopsy are not the most pleasant of procedures but the only way to tell if cancer is there or not. 

    It is really hard to wait for the results and hard to focus on much else. I actually felt better once I knew for sure what was going on and having a plan to deal with it. I hope you do not have to wait too much longer. In the meantime if you feel like talking things through would help, then please do give the Support Line a call. 

    I do understand your worry about it taking this long and I hope you get some reassurance soon.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you so much for reaching out, I’m so sorry you are in same position, it’s awful time, think maybe you do feel positive sometimes, but with everything going on it’s hard.

    i hope you hear something soon and stay positive 

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to add your support and experience, it does help talking to ladies with similar experiences, I have supportive family which I’m grateful for, but not been in same situation so hard for them.

    im just hoping that results don’t take too long and can get on with getting it all sorted.

    thank you again, it means a lot to hear from anyone with advice and in similar situations.

  • and you Poppydoodle x

  • Please let us know how you progress.

  • I will do thank you so much.

    hope all goes well with your results, please also let us know the outcome, it’s an anxious time for all waiting on results. X

  • Thank you for all the support yesterday when I posted, I just wanted to ask if anyone has felt aching legs at night after hysteroscopy, I sometimes suffer with restless legs but this feels more aching which is waking me up several times a night, could it be a nerve thing.

    Not sure if posted in right place, just wanted to see if anyone else has same issue or advice.

    thank you all for positive feedback from my last post, this is such a lovely and supportive community

  • Hi  am in a similar boat .last month went over to A&e with pains i still have periods . Ct scan picked up a complex mass on left ovary. Next day sent for transvaginal scan and she found irregular thickening of my womb. I was put on the fast track cancer pathway 2 weeks later i saw oncologist gynecologist he asked for me to have mri and told me i would need a biopsy and d&c under general anaesthetic. But also said he didn't think it's cancer..I couldn't have mri due to them wanting to give me buscopan and it makes my heart race so declined. Next appointment is 5th Nov with oncologist again to see what he says but it's all very slow and and they have cancelled one appointment. Just want my biopsys done now to know exactly what will be happening it's a slow process 

  • I did have a bit of aching for a couple of days but yours sounds more than that. I would advise contacting GP for advice. Perhaps do one of those online consultations- they may be able to recommend something to help


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm