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Hi all, I’ve just been diagnosed with cancer of the womb lining and I’m so scared, nauseous and shaky.  I live on my own and it’s so hard to do anything.  How do you all cope?

  • Hi Donna McC, very well done for having had your hysterectomy. I was predicted grade 1 stage 1a, but post op histology changed that to stage 2. I suspect that it’s your stage that may be 1a rather than the grade, as the grade is usually in numbers without letters. So you may want to check and ask the grade, if you’re the sort of person that likes to know things. 

    Yes I had 25 x pelvic radio and 2 x brachy. I remember feeling a bit apprehensive at the start and also felt a bit overwhelmed at the sight of the LINAC machine. It looked so Star Trek! But the staff were great, and it reassured me that they knew their jobs so well that it was routine to them even though it was unknown and a bit scary to me. What I will say to you is try not to run ahead and don’t Google! I was prepared for possible side effects (and it’s important to see them as possible not givens) but had no side effects till the middle of week 4 and even then they were mild - just some bloating and slight urgency, but no runs. I drove myself to and from every appointment (an hour each way) all the way through. I was careful what I ate, and slowly reintroduced certain foods and drinks after treatment and was back to normal eating wise within a few weeks. Feel free to ask anything you like.