MRI letter before endometrial biopsy results

  • 5 replies
  • 63 subscribers

Had a biopsy 4 weeks ago and the consultant said he would write in 3 weeks with results.  Our post is terrible but assumed no news is good news. Just received a letter to book an MRI appointment but doesn't say why.

Would be nice for them to communicate things rather than make people worry. Hate getting post on a weekend and having to wait til Monday to call 

  • I know exactly how you feel I had a consultation on Monday and I was told my hysterectomy would be within the month due to Aytipical hyperplasia. When I looked on my mymft it said I’d been spoken to about Complex hyperplasia without aytipia. Which wasn’t right. I have rang the hospital every day since but just keep being fobbed off. X

  • Hi Daisy888

    I am sorry to here that you have had a letter to book an MRI without giving a reason. 

    I understand your worry and it is hard to be left wondering over the weekend. I wonder if emailing your doctor so they pick it up first thing Monday would be an idea. Have you got access to NHS App? I wonder if there is anything on there. 

    if talking it through would help, why not give the Support Line a call and speak to one of the nurses who might be able to suggest other reasons why an MRI might be suggested.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you for replying. My nhs is quite basic for hospital related items but it is listed under medical conditions and follow up planned but no results as such. I'm hoping when I phone up to book the MRI they may tell me what it's actually for. Automatically feared the worst as my relative has just been diagnosed and had to go for an MRI after the results came in but she's in a different area

  • I think it is natural to fear the worst but there could be other reasons. I was actually put forward for a CT scan on the day of my biopsy- and the results didn't come back for well over a week after I had my CT scan. It may be routine for your hospital to book people in before results come back, and then cancel if not needed. Rather than have to wait if they have a diagnosis- and in these circumstances they would hopefully want to sort the scans asap. 

    I had a booking line to book my scans and they only had access to who ordered it and the part being scanned. However if you ask who has ordered it and the phone number or email- it could help. But definitely give them a call first thing Monday. 

    Fingers crossed for you



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi I had my MRI before getting results of biopsy as consultant decided it wove best to get all tests done. Try not to worry to much - not easy I know!!!