Histology results now in / UPDATED 26/04/2024

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Hi, so I could not wait until my appointment this coming Thursday with my consultant, to hear the results, so I got hold of his secretary and asked if her if she would tell me if cancer was or was not found. I received a letter a short time later via email from the consultant which said no cancer or pre-cancer found, just benign changes.

Obvioulsy I am very very relieved. However, I am still having bad pelvic pain on both sides and about a week ago I started getting lower back pain. The pain and frequency of both is getting worse and paracetamol is not touching it. It is much worse at night.

Now, during the hysteroscopy scarring was found in the uterus so they could not check the entire uterus because they could not get to it. The scarring cannot be explained at this time as I have had no previous surgery and had normal births. They found 2 polyps but of course they must be fine.

So, after the hysteroscopy the consultant stated that as long as no cancer is found from histology, which there isn’t, then the plan was to discharge me and then if I get any post menopausal bleeding again he will suggest key hole hysterectomy. 

It is 2.5 weeks since the hysteroscopy and I am no longer getting any bleeding but there has been a touch of brown discharge in the last couple of days.

I will of course discuss all of this on Thursday but I really just want the hysterectomy so nothing is left to chance.

I feel I should be jumping up and down about there not being cancer but I am still worried about the pelvic and back pain.

Anyway, guess that it my update for now. Good luck to those of you going through the waiting game for results. 

UPDATE 26/04/2024

So had a good long chat with the consultant last night. Basically benign changes and scarring which he has no explanation for, only 1 cervical polyp and no signs of any cancer etc.  He went through some options for the ongoing pelvic pain/cramping etc, do nothing, versus continuing analgesia, versus a gastroenterology opinion, versus having a bilateral salpingo oophorectomy which he suggested would not have much benefit, as well as a total laparoscopic hysterectomy +/-bilateral salpingo oophorectomy. Further changes to my HRT could also be considered to see whether symptoms get better.

We asked him which he would recommend, he said total laparoscopic hysterectomy + bilateral salpingo oophorectomy which will be keyhole and not robotic. Everything will then get sent off to the lab to double check for anything sinister. 

So rang his secretary today and booked in for 22nd May. It may even be a few days earlier once she has his previous weekend schedule.

so, obviously nervous about the operation but at least I won’t run the risk of getting ovarian, cervical or womb cancer in the future. 

We are having to cancel our USA road trip in June which was to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary, as consultant said cannot fly 4 weeks before or after surgery but hey ho that’s why we have holiday insurance. 

Slight smile