Histology results back today - result appointment next week

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  • 61 subscribers

So I had a hysteroscopy on 6th April resulting in 2 cervical polyps being removed and biopsies taken.  This was due to post menopausal bleeding in February which was followed with cramps and pelvic pain a few weeks later. The initial bleeding lasted for 10 days. Consultant said he could not see all of the uterus due to scarring which he was puzzled about as I have never had any previous procedures and had 2 normal births. 

Anyway, I thought I would speak to his secretary to see how long results are taking. During the conversation she had a look and told me the histology results are back. This was surprising as I did not think they would be that quick. She was going to try and get me into the consultants  clinic this evening but he was fully booked so instead I get my results on 25th April. 

I am still get pelvic pain and cramps and a few days ago I started getting lower back pain which has not gone away.

I feel bad news is on the horizon. I want to be positive but why would I still be having pelvic pain etc if it was just down to the polyps which have now been removed? 

7 days of not knowing. I also thought about how difficult it must be for the secretary who has my results in her hands but did not say anything. She potentially has life changing news at her fingertips or news that will make someone very happy. 

Anyway, that’s where I am. Best wishes to others currently in the same boat. 

  • Hi  I just wanted to acknowledge your post and send positive vibes your way. I had a similar situation in that I had a text reminder on the Weds two weeks post hysteroscopy reminding me of an appointment with the gynae team the following Monday, I had not been told of the appointment previously so I rang to check and they told me that a specialist nurse would call me back, I explained that I didn't need to speak to a nurse, I just wanted to check that the appointment was for me. Anyway, a specialist nurse (CNS as it was) called me back and said it was to discuss results, I then said does that mean it is bad news and she said I should bring someone, so that kind of told me I would be getting bad news. I hope you get good news, although rest assured you will be looked after either way x

  • Hi Catsandtrees

    Yes, the waiting is the worst bit. I had to wait 6 weeks after my hysteroscopy for results- given over the phone, then waiting for scan results, then for a hysterectomy. I'm out the other side now but it felt like time stood still for a while and i couldn't think about anything else.

    I hope your appointment goes well. Hopefully you will get positive news, but whatever the news is, I think that when you know what is happening and have a plan, at least that means you feel a bit more in control.

    I found it hard to concentrate on anything whilst waiting and being outside the house was easier- walking etc. And make use of all the support you can get. Keep us updated on here- everyone here knows what you are going through and i have had great advice on this forum.

    Take care

  • Good morning  

    We all can resonate with how you may be feeling right now. Waiting for results is so hard. Try to distract yourself with activities that you enjoy. Treat yourself, be kind to yourself and talk to someone you trust. 

    Sending best wishes to you. 


  • Hello Catsandtrees

    The waiting is hard and we have all been there and understand. It is hard to focus on much else when waiting to hear. 

    Try to keep busy for the next week and have something planned each day- even if it is just going for a walk in the sunshine. Talk to those around you or if that feels difficult, then give the Support Line a call and talk to someone. Just sharing how you feel can help. I remember finding it harder to talk to those I loved about my diagnosis until I knew all the facts. Once I knew for sure and I knew what would be happening, I could then answer their natural questions. 

    For me I had a good idea that it was going to be bad news as I asked the nurse who did my biopsy so I sort of prepared myself for the worst but tried to keep an open mind- that there might be other reasons for the symptoms and that not everyone with them has cancer. 

    The main thing is that you had some concerning symptoms and that you did the right thing in getting checked. Without the biopsy results no one can say for sure but if it is then it is better to know earlier. 

    I hope that you get some positive news at your appointment but in the meantime we are here if you need us.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • thanks for taking the time to reply. I nearly asked the secretary if it’s good or bad news but just could not pluck up the courage to hear it over the phone and I don’t even know if she would have been allowed to. Like you say, I will be looked after if it’s not good news. 

  • thank you for replying. I know i am lucky that the results have come back quickly. Yes I am trying to keep busy and work full time so that is a good distraction as well. 

  • Thank you. Yes treating me and the hubby to a trip to London tomorrow and breakfast at The Ivy in london. You don’t realise just how many women have to go through this until you visit these forums. 

  • Thank you, really good advice. Will keep busy busy busy. 

  • Ooh how lovely that sounds! Enjoy every minute.
