Womb lining thickness

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  • 63 subscribers

Thanks for letting me join this community. I had a hystoscopy yesterday. I’m nearly 60 and have been bleeding every day. As I have previously had thyroid cancer I was understandably scared this is going to be cancer again. I asked the consultant if he would tell me what he could after the procedure. He came to me after and said that he couldn’t say anything until the biopsy results but I should prepare myself for bad news. He explained that the lining was very thick 41mm, he repeated the need to prepare myself a number of times. I am preparing myself for what seems like sure bad news.  Can anyone share similar experiences please. 

  • Just remember that "bad news" when it comes to endometrial cancer can be cured, IF it is cancer and is stage 1 and has not affected the lymph nodes, it can be removed with a hysterectomy. 

    Hope you don't have to wait too long.

  • Hello JenMa

    Welcome to the Online Community and the womb group.

    I am sorry to hear that you have had some bleeding and have undergone a hysteroscopy. I hope that you are not too uncomfortable today.

    A thickened womb lining can have different causes and endometrial cancer is  one of them. .Only the biopsy results will be able to tell you for sure. Your lining is thickened and whatever has caused that and the bleeding, it is better to find out and then treatment can be offered. 

    I know it is a scary time waiting for the results and I think also when you have already previously had cancer, it can feel worse as you know what potentially could be ahead. 

    If cancer cells are found then I would expect the next step to be a CT scan to pinpoint exactly where it is and then the most common thing to happen would be a hysterectomy. Sometimes ladies can be offered different treatments such as a hormonal coil but from my own experience and also being on here it does seem that surgery is the first step. Mine was done via key hole, was straight forward and I recovered quickly. 

    If cancer cells are not found then hopefully they will identify what is going on and then offer some other treatment. Sometimes this can also be surgery. Sometimes it can be monitoring and repeat checks. 

    Sometimes it can be that pre cancerous cells are found or that they are concerned that the thickened lining in time could become cancer so treatment is then suggested.

    I think preparing yourself is always a good plan but also remember that it could have other causes. I will pop a link to some info that may help.

    Endometrial Hyperplasia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment | Patient

    I hope that you do not have to wait too long to get your results and to find out what is going on and to get an idea of any treatment needed. In the meantime we are here if you need us. If chatting things through would help then please do call the Support Line as they are lovely on there and will understand the worry of waiting to get results. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi and welcome to the group, the ladies on here are an incredibly supportive bunch. I’m sorry you find yourself here and have already had a cancer journey. We all know first hand how waiting for test results can play with our minds. 
    I had a similar experience, he talked me through what he was seeing and what the implications could be. I was taken into a side room given a cup of tea and alongside a nurse he pretty much said what your guy said. The positive from this I suppose is they rushed my results through and I got them back in a week. 
    I always had in my mind that regardless of what he thought he saw you never really know until those results come through. I reckon quite a few people have been told to brace for the worst then results have come back clear. I hope this is the case with you, did they say how long the results would take.

  • Hello  

    Sorry to hear you are awaiting results. Welcome to this friendly and supportive forum. I have been helped enormously by the ladies on here and their warm replies to me. 

    Last Summer I was in your position. Straight after my hysteroscopy my Consultant told me I had cancer. I was shocked to be honest but he told me in such a gentle and reassuring way. He sent my biopsies off and he called me on a week to confirm.

    I would be very kind to yourself because you have had a shock and I felt a bit strange for a few days - I felt a mixture of emotions. I'm glad you reached out to us.

    There are many causes of bleeding but if it is confirmed then you have lots of ladies on here who will understand completely. 

    Keep in touch if you have any more questions.
