Scalp cooling and hair loss for ladies having chemo

  • 2 replies
  • 60 subscribers
  • I have added a link here for ladies who need chemotherapy after their hysterectomy and are making decisions about whether to scalp cool. I hope it helps



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  • Hi - I’ve just had my 1st chemo (carboplantin/ paclataxel) and decided to try the cap. I know it is no guarantee but I wanted to give my follicles the best chance when regruwth starts). It wasn’t nearly as daunting as I feared. 
    the nurse prepped my hair and fitted the cap. The first few minutes were tough, I won’t lie. But I expected it - I focused on relaxation breathing (and a cup of tea). My partner was timing me, and it was 12 minutes from me starting to feel uncomfortable to my face relaxing as I realised my head had acclimatised to the cold and it was absolutely fine after that

    i was a bit worried that I would need to keep going to the loo (I’m terrible at the best of times, but had drunk loads to make sure I was properly hydrated for the cannula, plus the drips) and I probably had to disconnect every hour for a loo break (you can detach for 8 mins at a time once you’re through the initial cooling phase) but the nurses showed me how to do it myself so it actually wasn’t a problem. 

    It’s not going to be for everyone, but I would encourage you to give it a go.