Post menapausal bleeding

  • 5 replies
  • 60 subscribers

Hello everyone!  I am 49 years old and had not had a regular period since Aug. 2017.. SO I thought I was in menopause. Then Feb 2019 had some spotting and it turned into a full regular period.  Went to my GYN and she did a TVU and took an endometrial biopsy,  It came back as a benign polyp.  ( First episode of bleeding in Feb. stopped after a few days like a normal period)  then almost 28 days later (again like a normal cycle) I started spotting MArch 8.  By that night had such a heavy flow I actually called dr office . They put me on a 10 day cycle of megastrol acetate to slow the flow.  It worked but 2 weeks later and still have spotting every day. I am booked April 10 for a hysterscopy and possible d&C.   My lining is also thick.  Hoping this so just the polyps causing the bleeding and nothing more serious. Have any of you ever had these symptoms?  THanks!!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kim 

    5 years ago I had similar to you , a thickened lining and a benign polyp which I had removed . I started to bleed again a little while later which wasnt what they expected and hiding right into the wall of my womb was a very small polyp that had been missed . So I then had that one removed and a D&C .

    Im now back with bleeding again 5 years later so hopefully it’s just another polyp . I met a lady at the hospital who was back in for her 2nd  polyp removal in 3 years . Her doctor said benign polyps are very common 

    I hope your hysterscopy finds it’s just the polyps causing your bleeding and they sort it out for you . 

    Take care xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I hope for both of us that's all it is. Thanks for replying!   Take care..

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I rang my GP surgery today as I didn’t want to wait any longer . My Scan results were in and my lining has thickened since my last scan 5 years ago . I am now waiting for my fast track appointment to the Gynae . 

    My bowels are acting up a lot . One minute I can’t go then I can’t stop and even when I’ve been it’s like I still need to go but can’t . Sorry if this is too much info but it’s a worry esp since the pain under my left ribs is waking me up at night . Maybe it’s a bowel  problem rather than a uterine problem . Are they closely linked does anyone know ? I know when I was bleeding and passed a stool I was wiping blood but assumed it was from the post menopausal bleed . 

    Would the Gynae know if it was bowel related ? The indigestion is constant I’m Living on antacids . My husband said he can’t believe how much I’m burping . It’s not something if I do easily . 

    I have huge dark rings under my eyes . My neighbour commented to me this morning that I look ill ( bless her she’s really sick and worries about everyone else ) 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Did you get anything figured out this week?   

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