Three Good Things

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  • 76 subscribers

I thought that it would good for us to have a regular place to share the positive things, however small, in our lives. Whenever you all share positive tales, I know that I for one feel better, so I thought it might benefit others too. So, if you need a little reminder that joy can be found even on the darkest days, this is the place.

The rule is simply to list three good things that you have experienced, or will experience, today. The idea is to focus on the present rather than worrying about the future or dwelling on negative thoughts. If you are struggling through something hard remembering what you have that is good can really support you. Everyone is different, and there is no wrong answer, and nothing too insignificant to mention. Everything positive counts!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Georgette

    My 3 happy things today

    One of my childminding friends came round this morning for some help. She is due her ofsted inspection this week and was struggling with some paperwork.  I am lucky enough to have been graded outstanding with ofsted (I'm showing off a bit here) so a lot of the local childminders think I know what I'm talking about. I don't always but I can blag my way through things sometimes. 

    Anyway she was here for 3 hours and during that time my mind was entirely focused on the paperwork. Not once did I think of my situation.  I realised that life CAN be normal.

    My night out last night was lovely  - enjoyed seeing friends and dancing but the food was absolutely dire. To make up for it I made a Sunday dinner which was absolutely gorgeous.  Chicken, Yorkshire s,  roast potatoes, sprout, cabbage, broccoli,  carrots, parsnips and cauliflower (yep am trumping like mad) and it was gorgeous. Made up for last night. Even though I was stuffed I still managed to  eat 2 slices of yule log. Xmas had begun ladies. 

    Have just watched the apprentice and my favourite candidate has won 

    Oh and one more important one. A lady on the facebook forum for cervical cancer has contacted me. She was at the same stage as me with the cancer spread to the same places and she is 3 years in remission.  I'm hearing more of this daily and am being completely inspired x 

  • Just saw my nephew for the first time in about 3 years.

    Saw one brother on Tuesday and the other today, each time when we were visiting my father.

    Had a wonderful road trip to Bryce Canyon and Monument Valley in between seeing brothers.

    And lots of sunshine even if cold, much colder in Los Angeles than in Devon!

    All a bit exotic, but it makes me realise how far I have come in the last two years!


  • FormerMember

    I love this 3 good things idea. My diagnosis and subsequent hysterectomy in 2012 did very little to help the difficult, long-term relationship that I was in. This year I left and it has been the worse 8 months of my thing that has really upset me is that I have not been able to see our 2 dogs. And so last night  - one very good thing was that I met a woman in the local pub with her dog and, as I walked in, coincidentally, there was another person that I knew (but have not seen in years) with his dog - exactly the same breed as my dear estranged dogs. He was there with his wife. So the 3 girls, the one guy and 2 dogs had a wonderful couple of hours.The best news is that these dear people are going to let me dog -sit and dog- walk their dogs. In 2012 my oldest, darling dog - now very sadly in dog heaven - brought me more comfort in those awful first few weeks than anything else. What would I have done without him? His beautiful face looked at me and listened to all my words about how frightened I was. I note that the post this morning mentions the lady's Jack Russel PIppa? How lovely.

  • Well if you don't mind us chaps joining in with your wonderful idea...

    I am off to work today and one of my colleagues managed to work out a really thorny problem we have been having, so I get to test the code make sure it works and send it out to all the scientists working with the data - and just bask in the reflected glory.

    We got our new front room christmas tree up this weekend but it looks a bit bare so I will sop by the shop and pick up some new lights and then its ho ho ho all the way.

    Its my turn to put our 11 year old son to bed tonight so I get the chance to read him the next chapter of Harry Porrter, get a fantastic hug and tuck him in.



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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to src60

    3 good things i did yesterday not very thrilling but to me a great achievment

    1 i managed a slow walk to the local shops and back again small reminder empty bladder before going for a walk

    2 went to the loo bowels in perfect working order took 5 days from the op for them to work was worth the wait sorry ladies but that was a great possitive for me

    3 managed to eat nearly a full meal. I have not lost my appertite but have found it hard to eat a full meal. 

    And during the afternoon my next door neigbourgh came for a visit and brought me a card and a bunch of flowers it was very lifting so all in all a good day was had 

    Tomorrow i have my stitches removed so should be comfortable for christmas as the little buggers keep stabbing me when i least expect them to lol

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    My three plus good things today.

    1. we have found a home for my mum, the assessment is being done on her this afternoon. Its well out of the present area but that doesn't matter as its just round the corner from my grandson's nursery.

    2. my daughter has been absolutely amazing in taking the stress off me as much as possible, but then she is always amazing.

    3. because I posted my woes on my facebook status an old friend contacted me who I haven't seen for several years as they moved away.  Now she is back and we are going to keep in contact.

    4 Yes sorry its 4 but you can just look at it as 3b.  My sister, although living 160 miles away, will come down at the drop of a hat to be with mum when they move her.  That will take some responsibility off my daughter who is also trying to be there for me.

    Things are beginning to look up after the most horrendous day yesterday.

  • FormerMember

    Ok my three so far today-

    text messages from two granddaughters to say they will see us at some point at Christmas


    I am about to make home-made Baileys, if I can remember the ingredient.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    My three good things for today are:-

    We found mum a new home in a perfect location.  We had four days to move her due to the home she is in closing on Christmas Eve

    She took the news much better than I had expected and is looking forward to going.  Such a relief.

    My granddaughter came this morning and told me her great grandma is going to live round the corner from her and she will go and see her every day.  She is almost 5 years old.  She adores my mum.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    We need the recipe for home made baileys!

    My 3 good things today.

    The hospital reassured me that my treatment is standard 

    I have treatment start date (4th January,) treatment end date (29th January ) and my treatments will hopefully start at 7am which means my hubby can drop me off at hospital and get home in time to take my son to school. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oops that's only 2!

    Been to the garden centre and had hot chocolate,  marshmallows,  cream and a flake. This being off work malarkey is not too bad! Although to be honest, I did that in my job anyway - this time I could have a nice conversation with my son and hubby rather than run round after 3 pre school children