Positive Hysterectomy Experience

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  • 79 subscribers


I thought I would share my recent hysterectomy experience in the hope that it might reassure women waiting for this surgery. 

I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy on Monday (19th August)  for endometrial cancer stage 1A.

I was first one on the list and the whole admission process/ meeting the anaesthetist and surgeon was slick and professional. The operation was just over an hour. I was back on a ward and wide awake 2.5 hours after my surgery.In fact I was wide awake for the rest of the day and was emailing an estate agent and even agreed an offer on my late mother’s house! 

i felt a bit tender on Day 1 and Day 2 but honestly no pain. I had bought a heat pad but haven’t needed it. I slept well the first night home using my daughter’s pregnancy pillow. 
I am up and about, showering easily, getting upstairs easily.  Day 2 I felt a bit woozy, but nothing major. I’ve taken pain killers at night just to get me off to sleep really. 
I honestly feel so much better and more able than I thought I would be. I’m eating well - making sure I take lactulose! I seem to have developed one of the side effects of blood thinning drugs, which is itchy skin.
The difficulty could be forgetting I’ve had this done and over doing things!

Whilst we are all different, I hope this helps reassure anyone waiting for treatment. 

  • Not as much as usual. Do you think that’s causing the bruising? 

  • No not at all! I was just going to say that if you’re not walking that much then the injections are a worthy precaution so I hope you manage to find a way through. I opted for pursuing the active route instead and decided against injections but I appreciate that not everyone feels as able to walk. 

  • Thank you so much for sharing your experience Wise Owl it’s really appreciated my operation is scheduled for 13th of September so not long to wait now. Hope your recovery continues to go well.

  • Hi Leebee16, I’m glad you found reading about my experience helpful. I just learnt to put my trust in the professionals at every stage of my journey and everything was really straightforward. They really do know what they’re doing. I’m 11 days past my operation and I feel almost back to normal. I have to remind myself I’m healing inside and can’t go mad physically. Best of luck for 13th September. You’ll be fine! X

  • Hi Wise Owl 2 - thank you so much for coming back to me and that’s so good to hear that you are almost back to normal in such a short space of time. I have to say I have got nothing but good things to say about the professionals I have dealt with so far and I have completely put my trust in them. MacMillan have been amazing too - I feel very supported. Look after yourself x

  • Hiya LeeBee16

    My operation is on the same day as yours.

    I hope everything goes ok keep us updated x

  • Hi Y12 - I hope everything goes well with yours too - I will keep you posted and please do let me know how you get on x