Life after getting the all clear

  • 22 replies
  • 65 subscribers

Hello lovely ladies.

I hope you are all ok?

I finished my chemo and radiotherapy a couple of months ago and have been told that I am now cancer free as far as they can tell.

I know I should be feeling relieved and grateful for this news but I find myself thinking about reoccurrence and life expectancy.  Is it normal to feel this way? I live alone and try to keep busy when I can but it's at night when I can't sleep that these thoughts take over.

I have an appointment with my oncologist this week but haven't heard from anyone at the hospital since my treatment ended two months ago. I thought my CNS may have checked in but she hasn't and I can't help feeling a bit disappointed by this. Does anyone else feel a bit abandoned since finishing treatment?

One last thing - I've been left with peripheral neuropathy in my feet and very dry, sore and itchy skin on my shins. I'm taking medication for the neuropathy and trying all sorts of creams for my legs but nothing appears to be helping yet. Is anyone else struggling with their feet and skin? Is it likely to improve with time? I will speak to my oncologist about this but thought I would ask how you coped with this?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I have friends to talk to but I know you all understand what it's like and I'm just feeling a bit down about everything. 

Thank you.

Penny x

  • Just "react" and "reply" at the bottom, nothing else. Thank you for trying to help though.

  • Hi Maths

    Thank you for your message and congratulations on finishing your treatment.

    I'm so pleased for you that your PN is improving. I have got some shoes and trainers with thicker soles and I've also had to start investigating wider fit footwear as my feet are now quite puffy. It's good to know that the PN may not be permanent. I have to use a stick at the moment because I have wobbly moments but I would love to feel steadier on my feet.

    Best wishes to you and hope your PN continues to improve.

    Penny x

  • Hi K

    Thank you for your message.

    How did your appointment go? I hope it went well for you. I had a call from my consultant the day before my appointment to say she was double booked so could we speak over the phone instead. I agreed but said I was disappointed as I wanted her to check my legs and feet. She said to see my GP. I try to be positive but felt a bit let down.

    Thank you for your advice on acknowledging my fears and Marmite's saying to focus on the what is is a better way of looking at things.

    I'm glad that spring is here and we can get out into our gardens and enjoy the sunshine (safely) and watching the birds.

    Keep trying to be kind to yourself and best wishes for the future.

    Penny Xx

  • Hi Penny

    Thanks for your good wishes. Everything you say that you have done re shoes sounds so familiar! I am likely to be standing about/walking on tours on holiday next week so am going to try to remember walking poles - something to lean on might help.

    Hope your recovery goes well.


  • Hi Jane

    Have you thought about getting a fold up walking stick? I have one and it feels very sturdy.

    There are loads of wide fit shoes out there and even very wide fit. I'm really hoping it doesn't come to that!

    Have a lovely holiday and hope your PN doesn't bother you too much.

    Best wishes.


  • Hi MarmiteFan59 

    Thank you for your message.

    I assumed there would be some contact in the first couple of weeks after treatment but sadly I was wrong! Like you said the treatment is pretty full on and after it had finished I felt a bit lost and alone but as they say time is a great healer.

    Thank you for suggesting the Life after Cancer course. Nothing has been said about it but I will speak to my CNS.  It sounds like just what I need.

    Best wishes for the future.

    Penny x

  • Hi Penny

    I actually have a folding stick somewhere - forgot about that. I used the poles in September/October when I was walking slowly looking around castles and found them very useful. They will give something to lean on if our walking tours involve lots of stops - but if they do we're highly likely to do our own thing at our pace! 


  • Thank you Penny for your really lovely reply. I posted on another thread about my first follow up appt. It did go well thank you. I have some external pelvic radiotherapy side effects and I had the chance to discuss these at length. I felt emotional when I got home - the relief that despite lingering radiotherapy side effects, my physical check up re the surgery was ok. Such a relief!

    I'm sorry you had to have a telephone appt in the end, I wouldn't have liked that option either. But it is what is (I have said that phrase SO much these past few months). I was just glad to speak to someone, as I haven't spoken to anyone from the surgical team in the 7 months since my surgery. 

    It feels like a milestone ticked off. Check ups every six months from now on and no scans unless there are new symptoms or concerns. 

    Spring is such a beautiful season, I think it cheers everyone up to see the sun and the pretty flowers. 

    What will be the pattern for your check ups? 


  • Hi. 

    Thank you for writing this post. 

    I had my follow up appointment today after a  hysterectomy 2 weeks ago ,  have been told that I don't need any more treatment,  which is amazing and I'm so grateful... but like you I feel a bit confused and overwhelmed. Where do we go from here? It feels better to know that I'm not alone in this and that it's a pretty normal feeling.

    I've asked to be referred to the gynae oncology psychologist for some support. Maybe see if your team offer something similar? 

    Take care

  • Hi Mjh80

    Thank you for your message.

    How are you feeling? I hope you are recovering well after your surgery? Remember to be kind to yourself and to let others help you and care for you.

    I know the way we are feeling is normal but it does help to know that other ladies feel the same as sometimes when emotions take over it feels very lonely.

    Thank you for suggesting the gynae oncology psychologist. I will make enquiries. Have you heard anything about your referral yet? I hope you find it helpful. I've been given details about a counselling service that my hospital has but I haven't been brave enough to contact them yet.

    Best wishes for your recovery.

    Penny x