Hysterectomy Day and After - diary

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Day 1 - Got to bed by 1am - early for me! Set alarm for 5.15am but woke naturally just after 5. Switched the heat on, played my word game on my tablet to wake myself up, then had my shower with the hibiscrub stuff (sensitive version). Taxi came at 6.30, nice driver, got here 20 mins early. Through the day surgery ward door at 7.30, very nice health care assistant spent about an hour with me going through the forms, taking my blood pressure and temp, and measuring/fitting my Norah Batty stockings. Anaesthetist stopped by to have a chat, listen to my chest and do more forms, she was also pleasant. My lovely consultant/surgeon came to say hello and chat things through, also made me laugh and left me feeling confident and reassured. So now I’m sat here waiting my turn which shouldn’t be long now. I’ve seen the menu and have ordered my lunch, snacks and supper! 

I’ll post an update as soon as I am able! 

  • Mine was GA - I did find my eyesight was a bit fuzzy for a couple of days afterwards.

  • Day 6 - felt the best today that I have done so far. I’ve been living in PJ bottoms or sweatpants, but today found a pair of dark grey elasticated waist smarter trousers that I was able to comfortably wear to go out to lunch with my husband. I’m still doing my 5-10 mins walk morning and afternoon, and not lifting anything heavier than a cuppa. I’m not needing pain relief in the day but just usually take something before bedtime. Still haven’t had to wear a sanitary pad at all! My tummy incisions are healing nicely and getting smaller by the day. Can’t believe that I’m less than a week post op and feeling so okay!

  • Sorry - missed out Day 7! Continued to feel better, so much so that I did my 5 minute walk in the morning, but increased my afternoon one to 10-15 minutes. Walked slowly, took it easy but steady and it was fine!

  • Day 8 - can’t believe that this time last Saturday was my op day! Happy to be this side, and so pleased with my progress in just a week. No pain, chest is clear, going to loo fine, sleeping okay. And I’ve lost 4lbs! Today I did my 5 minute walk in the morning, but then in the afternoon my husband drove to the New Forest (2 miles away) and for the first time since my op we walked together with our little dog (he walks off lead so there was no risk of pulling). It felt wonderful and “normal”. Just a short walk and I felt fine. Taking it easy this evening - feet up and watching The Masked Singer! 

  • Hi . Great to hear how well you're doing - we all say after all the worry preop after we wonder what all the fuss was about. 

    I confess I'm jealous - 2 miles away from the New Forest - my favourite place in the world. Many happy memories of caravanning at Setthorns, a Forestry Commission site near Sway. We used to walk our dogs and sit on the "meadow" before lunch at one of the areas excellent establishments. Been a few exotic places since but nothing compares to the New Forest!

    Hugs, Barb xx

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  • Hi  one of our favourite walks is the one at Yew Tree Bottom which is right next to Setthorns. I haven’t ventured there yet as it’s a 20 min walk minimum and involves some slope climbing, and I’m pacing myself, but I’m hoping to give it a try in the next week or so. We went to Holmsley yesterday and did quite a short mostly flat circuit. Hope you get to visit again! 

  • Day 9 - my husband drove us to church this morning and we sat on the sofas in the foyer as they’re more comfortable than the church chairs, plus I could put my feet up if I wanted. Really enjoyed singing. After church my husband drove home and I walked as it’s only 5-10 mins and that meant it was my morning walk. Went out for a roast lunch at the local golf club - still can’t quite believe it was only last weekend that I had my op. Chilled at home afterwards then went for another 10-15 minute walk late afternoon. Now putting my feet up for the evening and watching some TV! Counting down the days now till my consultant appointment/results this coming Friday, preparing for the worst but hoping for the best,

  • Day 11 - went shopping today! My husband drove, and put things in the trolley, but I really enjoyed just walking round and looking. We decided to treat ourselves and went to Waitrose rather than the usual Tesco! I packed the bags at the checkout (apart from the milk as it was heavy) as the checkout was on waist height so no need to stretch or bend. I’ve been on 15 mins walks before and been fine, but I found the same length of time slightly tiring in the supermarket, but cool too to be able to lean on the trolley handle!  Home now for a cuppa then will try and gentle Forest walk with my husband and dog (off lead) a bit later.

  • Day 12 - blue skies, sunshine and it’s so mild! I fancied a “proper” walk today so my husband drove us to the Forest with our dog. We walked for 20 mins then sat on a fallen tree for 10 mins. I noticed I was a bit tired after 15 mins so the tree break was just at the right time. We then walked for another 10 mins and sat on a bench for 5 mins before walking the fina, 5 mins back to the car. I’m so happy! This walk is part of my “normal”. I didn’t feel tired afterwards either! 

    Going to the hairdressers for a trim this afternoon, then will have a 10-15 min walk after before preparing to flop in front of the TV for the evening! 

  • Day 15 - big milestone today as I had my first bath since my op! So nice as I so prefer baths to,showers. I also started driving short distances! I had been trying getting in and out of the car since about a week after my op, and also had started the car and tried going forward and back in the driveway to see how it felt. No twinges or pulls at all. So I’ve been driving half a mile up the road to the local woods so that I can walk my dog off lead (off lead is so much better as there’s no risk of pulling), I’m still being disciplined about not lifting, or bending, but am so glad to be in my car again.