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Hi I'm a 54 year old woman who has delt with the pain of chronic lichen Sclerosis, for years.

I noticed changes in my Vulva around summer 2022 just thought my lichen sclerosis was really getting worse and playing up I tried to get in touch with my dermatologist at the Royal Free London to get an appointment couldn't anyway that's a whole other story. 

Eventually saw my Gp, told me it was an infection antibiotics helped but inevitably had to go back to Gp Sent me for a biopsy thank god. 

 I am now a patient at UCHL about to have a vulvasectomy in two days. 

Please  help me ladies if you have something you can share with me to make this whole nightmare a path I'm not walking alone.

Don't know anyone with this and have no idea what my life will look like a week from today. 

  • Hi 

    Sorry to hear about what you're going through. I was diagnosed with vulval cancer in December and had a vulvectomy 5 weeks ago. 

    If I can answer any of your questions I'm happy to, just know that you're not on your own. 

    LR48 x

  • Hi 

    Thank you for getting in touch, have I got any questions? yes I do, what advice would you give me in getting through the next handful of days my op is Thursday morning. 

    How do you feel 5 weeks on?

    I hope you're in a good place.

    it's helped to know I'm not the only one.

    Hellyoo x

  • Easier said than done I know but keep calm. I was at work till the day before my op so that helped me take my mind off what was coming. 

    Physically I feel fine now, as close to 'normal' as I was pre op.

    Have you got someone to go with you? 

  • Hi 

    That's so good and encouraging to know that your feeling close to normal in such a few weeks. 

    I'm not working at the moment so have had a bit more time to dwell.

    I also feel more fatigue than normal I don't know if that's a result of just being at home.

    My husband will be coming to the hospital with me. 

    Can I ask if you felt pain after the operation or if it was well managed 

    and how long did you stay in the hospital.

  • Hi

    I had a total vulvectomy and reconstruction  this time last year. I was in hospital for 10 days. My pain was well managed - I was given morphine for the first 12 hours after my op then it switched to ibuprofen and    co-dydramol. If you have any more questions or just want to chat I'm happy to help.


  • I think that dealing with the emotional side of this can be exhausting,  harder than the physical sometimes. Taking one day at a time and trying to be positive is what someone told me and it does help.

    I had to be in hospital for 7.30 on the morning of my op, I took my kindle and phone with me as a distraction. I went to theatre at around 3.30 in the afternoon, back on the ward by 7.15.

    I only had 1 night in hospital and was discharged by 3 the following day. 

    I would say that it was more uncomfortable than painful. I'd also had lymph node biopsy in my groin. I was sent home with paracetamol and ibuprofen and managed with those for the first week. I did call my GP after that for stronger painkillers but that was more for groin pain. And to be honest, I think I was knackered, emotional and feeling sorry for myself! 

    My oncologist and all the nurses I had contact with during and after were all amazing and reassuring. Just ask them any questions and get as much info as you can or want. 


  • Thank you for sharing, it has really helped actually. 

    your right about the emotional toll its exhausting being on a constant roller coaster up and down putting on a brave face .

    They told me I'd be in for at least a week.

    I guess every individual and hospital does things differently. 


  • Thank you for sharing.

    I'm having the surgery and reconstruction in one go like you had. 

    I have been in equal parts terrified and then resolved and eager to just get it done.

    People say your so brave etc , I'm so not I'm just a woman that has no choice.

    your message was appreciated and has helped. 


  • Glad it's helped.

    I don't know how you feel about social media but someone on here told me about a Facebook group. I joined on Monday. Again, it's good to know you're not alone and like you said, everyone has had different experiences with this.


  • It's completely normal to be scared.....I know I was! But it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be after. I was on bed rest for the first 6 days after the op so that the reconstruction would "take" if that makes sense. It got a bit boring at times being stuck in bed so make sure you take something to keep your mind active. I took my phone, some books and an adult colouring book to keep me entertained.

    You are brave even if you don't feel you are. All of us vulva cancer fighters are Blush xx